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No Roads Blog

Here Is How To Make Your International Travel Dream a Domestic Reality

It's no secret that Australians love to travel internationally, and we generally save up travelling around our own country until we are retired and embrace the grey nomad style of travel. If you felt like you were hard done by in 2020 by your international travel plans not able to go ahead, here are some great alternatives for you to do in Australia in 2021. Let's embrace domestic travel while we patiently wait for international borders to open up and we can once again drink wine on a cobblestone street in France, sigh. If you were planning to travel to Western Europe how about Tasmania? What do Western Europe and Tasmania have in common? Amazing hiking, incredible cuisine, cobblestone streets, fabulous sparkling wine, and excellent festivals. Just for this year, you can swap the Cinque Terre for the Three Capes Walk, Oktoberfest for Taste of Tasmania, and you can trade Bordeaux for sipping on Janz sparkling while you eat oysters as you discover the amazing town of St Helens.

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Trekking The Grampians Peaks Trail

In a year when virtual travel became the only way to see the world, it was great to finally be able to venture out. What better place to start than our own backyard in the Grampians with No Roads Expeditions. Our adventurous group of six met in the town of Halls Gap on a beautiful morning in late November. Our group was made of experienced trekkers and we were excited to get started. Introductions were made, an overview of our next three days, collected the yummy packed lunch that had been whipped up by the local bakery, and we were on our way.

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Looking at the Grampians

The 5 Different Types of Trekkers

Whenever you join a trekking group there’s a moment when you all meet for the first time, where you all size each other up. Who looks like the most experienced trekker, which one of these is going to end up being your favourite trek mate? Then introspectively, what role are you going to play in this group that will be your trekking family for the duration of this trip? Here are the five types of trekkers that you are likely to be hiking with. I’ve been everywhere man There’s a swagger in their walk as they walk up and introduce themselves to the group. This isn’t their first rodeo, and they will make sure you know it. Casual name dropping of far away countries and lesser known trails will be dropped into each conversation and by the end of the trek you will know every detail of every trek they have ever been on.

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Group of Trekkers

Life as a Kokoda Guide and Front Line Worker

This year, like many others, I had my year planned out. I was going to guide 4 trips to PNG and also had plans to join another remote trek to test my limits and gain a new perspective on the beauty of the world around us.   Instead, all plans were put on hold as the world and travel as we know it ceased due to a pandemic.   Whoever would have thought that we’d be locked down because of a virus that could not only kill but would change the world so dramatically.   Welcome to the new world of Covid-19.

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Kokoda Trekking

Top 11 Treks In The World

This is the No Roads list of top 11 treks, put together by our adventure-loving office and our very well travelled guests. The Kokoda Track Country: Papua New Guinea Length: 11 Days How hard is it: Difficult What makes it so special: There are many elements that combine to make Kokoda an incredible experience. Firstly the history, you learn so much trekking Kokoda about Australia’s involvement in the war. Secondly the mateship, during your trek you will face some form of adversity and at times you will at times struggle through the terrain. Nothing creates mateship like bonding with your fellow trekkers during these times and helping each other through them.

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Group at Brigade Hill Kokoda

9 Questions You Should Ask Your Kokoda Trekking Company Before You Book

Here’s how you can save yourself time and, most importantly, choose a trekking company that meets your unique needs. If you begin your research with these questions it will help you find the right trekking company for you. 1. What direction does your trekking company walk in?Why should you ask this question: If history is one of the main reasons you are trekking Kokoda it will be important to you that the direction of the walk runs logically in the way the events occurred.  Important to note: from the company’s point of view it is much easier and economical to run the trek from south to north so a lot of companies will run it this way 2.

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Group finished trekking Kokoda at Owers Corner

Slow Travel Does Not Mean Doing Nothing

We have all heard of Slow Food which is grounded in the philosophy that quality is much better than quantity.  Slow Travel (our specialty) is the same, where we believe that staying in one area, exploring its cultures, food, language, history and sites are far better for you than dashing from one tourist trap to the next.    Slow Travel, however, is not synonymous with inactivity. Far from it. The slowest and most natural form of locomotion for us is walking, which underpins our Slow Travel philosophy.

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Papua New Guinea

Stop pause and reflect

17 years ago I started No Roads Expeditions from my garage in Melbourne. I remember always feeling cold out there, as it was winter and the ever-present Melbourne wind blew under the roller door and right through my bones. Strange how events turn. I am back working from home once again. Not from my garage but from my son's bedroom overlooking the neighbour's fence and driveway.

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Family of 5 at Komodo Islands

Our 5 Most Delicious Campfire Meals

There are a lot of different things to consider when planning your menu for a multi-day trekking trip. Firstly, you want food that doesn’t weigh too much and is versatile. Secondly, it needs to be easy to cook and doesn’t use multiple items of equipment to cook. Thirdly, and most importantly to those gourmet trekkers out there, it has to taste super delicious. 1.

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friends eating around campfire

Here's How We Spent Our Family Holiday in the Komodo Islands

During my short uni break, I could think of nothing better than to escape the icy cold Melbourne winter and fly to the Komodo Islands for a Kayaking adventure with my family to enjoy some much missed sunshine. As a 19 year old travelling with my dad, his wife and my 12 year old brother and sister (they are twins), I wasn’t quite sure how this holiday was going to pan out. We began by spending a night in Bali, where I had spent many of my childhood school holidays. We then quickly moved on to the Komodo Islands, only a couple hours flight from Bali, where I was about to have a family trip like no other.   In the past 19 years of my life I had never really gone on an ‘action packed’ holiday (especially with the family).

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Father and Son Trek

Father Son Adventures It was minus 27C outside and close to that inside the tea house. I lay there on my back, snug in my sleeping bag, watching my breathe billow out of my mouth as I exhaled. From a few feet away I heard “Hey Dad I can see my breath!” It was my son Max, laying in his bed doing exactly what I was doing, observing how cold it was in our room. I looked over with a smile on my face, to see him puffing away. The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.

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Son and Father Trek

What better way to celebrate schoolies than to reach the base of the highest mountain on earth, the mighty Everest. In December 2018, my dad and I set off on what would be an adventure of a lifetime to Everest Base Camp. The Himalayas is such a vast area of untouched land due to its lack of accessibility. Mountains rolling for miles and miles formed by glaciers the size of giant rivers, carve their way through this rocky landscape, slowly pushing anything in its way. This trip, for so many reasons, was astonishingly fascinating.

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Your Next Trekking Adventure

You love trekking. You have trekked some of the most iconic mountains, you have flirted with altitude and your body knows that you are ready for more. The thought of going higher and higher is equally thrilling and scary.   Are you ready to take the next step?Europe If you like your trekking with a European flair and a side of pizza, Monte Rosa is a great way to pop your 4000m cherry. You will be taught how to use crampons and ice axes by a guide who has mountaineering running through their veins.

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How difficult is it trek Mont Blanc

“Is the TMB easy or hard?” Now that's a question I've been asked a lot since our trek and the answer? “yeah/Nah, it depends”…on how much you train, and how well.   Sure, you could do the walk on minimal training if you liked, but I can be pretty confident you wouldn't enjoy it much. TMB ascends and descends 10,000 metres, basically from the valley to summit and back every day, switchback upon switchback, so the more prepared the better the experience. You can never train too much for anything, and this is definitely true for this magnificent walk through such stunning scenery. Get miles in the legs, pick walks with plenty of hills, wear your packs for a few weeks before to get used to them, use trekking poles which take an enormous weight off your hamstrings and quads, and get GOOD SHOES!  .

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To rest or not to rest in Courmayeur?

One of the beauties of the No Roads Tour Du Mont Blanc is the well-positioned rest day at Courmayeur. A tough decision had to be made between visiting one of the spas in Courmayeur and having a day of total relaxation, or to explore the ancient nearby village of Aosta. Our group was quick to decide that the chances of us having the opportunity to explore this region again was very slim so we made the call to go on a day trip to Aosta. It was great to give the shocked glutes a welcome reprieve, to explore and learn a bit of history, and what better way to do so than with a side trip down the mountain to the magnificent ancient Roman village of Aosta, nestled in the Italian valley below. A picturesque 35 km bus trip down, through tiny alpine villages with narrow laneways masquerading as main thoroughfares, magnificent castles, both intact and ruined lining the valley, fields of crop and meadow, all the while gazing in awe at the incredible Mont Blanc massif from an Italian viewpoint.

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The Great Australian Survivors Trek

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to traverse through unchartered territory, with limited resources and only the determination to reach your destination to urge you on each day? To know that your survival, and that of others, relied on your ability to reach your destination. To explore the unknown and learn from the journey that is taken. Would you have what it takes to be a survivor?   No Roads Expeditions recently took three competition winners from James Squire and a videographer from We Are Explorers from Ninety Mile Beach in Victoria, to Wattamolla in NSW. They say there’s no better way to learn about historical events than through direct experience, as the Great Australian Survivors Trek (GAST) group discovered, retracing the steps of an amazing story of survival that occurred over 200 years ago.   In 1797, the Sydney Cove, was shipwrecked off Preservation Island near Tasmania.

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I trekked Mont Blanc and somehow managed to put on weight

Can someone explain to me how I managed to trek The Tour Du Mont Blanc Circuit over nine days, walk more than 160 km, ascend (and descend) 10,000 metres and STILL managed to put on weight? Was it the food, the wine, the beer…or all of the above? Maybe? Um, perhaps? Oh, ok…yep! Oh, and brilliant company in spectacular surroundings. The appetite is wet the moment you enter this wonderland, attacking all the senses relentlessly. Before we even start our long walk we're settling into leisurely lunches in Chamonix, watching the passing parade on the streets of this beautiful alpine ski town, filled with adventure pursuits, designer shopping and restaurants galore. Whoever said omelettes were only for breakfast has never stopped at the Refuge de Miage for lunch after a solid mornings workout getting there! Perching on benches looking up the valley of lush fields, backdropped by soaring peaks, the omelette and accompanying salad were a sight for sore eyes and hungry stom.

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Five Week Kokoda Training Program

The one question we are asked the most here at No Roads Expeditions is about how fit you need to be to trek Kokoda, and what sort of training you should be doing in order to prepare for the trek.   No matter if you are doing an 11 Day Australian Led Kokoda or a Fast Kokoda you will want to be as fit as you can, this will make the trek as enjoyable as possible and you will make the most of your adventure. Here is a five-week plan that will help you get on the right track with your Kokoda Training Week 1: Monday: 60 min walk which includes a hill from the bottom to the top (450 meters) x 5 Tuesday: Min 45 mins on the treadmill. Hard walk at 6. 5 kph with incline building over the course of the session to 10% Wednesday: Weight session.

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Why Do You Travel?

What do you love about travel? What is it that makes your heart sing when you look at a travel brochure or an advert on TV for a holiday? Do you travel for pure hedonism, for relaxation, to conquer a mountain, to getaway from everyone or to reconnect with your family/friends in a meaningful way? .

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My Life Changing Kokoda Experience

1969-I was born in the year 1969, a child born into a housing commission family, living in the Melbourne suburb of Broadmeadows. My childhood was a happy one; an era when children would roam the streets, coming in on dark, barefoot and often bleeding, covered in dust, the treasured bike left on the nature-strip in the frantic race to beat the dusk curfew. We didn’t have much but wanted for even less. A Friday school lunch order was a sign of affluence. My favourite subjects at school were recess and lunch, a chance to re-enact battles from the World Wars, or combat a young Carl Williams to win a game of marbles.

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5 Amazing Treks To Do in Sri Lanka

If you are like the thousands of people who have discovered that being active on your holiday is key to coming home feeling both rested as well as invigorated then we are here to help you find the right trek for you. If you are going to Sri Lanka on a holiday, here is a list of 5 different treks that the No Roads team have tried and tested! They vary from easy/moderate through to ones that are for a more seasoned trekker. No matter what your fitness or motivation level you will find the right trek for you. Adam’s Peak Adam’s Peak or Sri Pada is the most popular trek in Sri Lanka. It is culturally the most important mountain in Sri Lanka to all religions.

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Man standing on top of cliff

Six Kokoda Trekking Tips You Might Not Have Heard

How long have you been thinking about or planning your Kokoda Trek? There is so much information available on Kokoda and it is hard to decipher through it all. Here are six quick tips that will help you prepare for this incredible trek.   Before taking on Kokoda you need to prepare yourself in terms of training as well as what to expect and how to make the very most out of your trip. Here are some trekking tips that will help your trip one you will remember forever (for all the right reasons!). 1.

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Nepal's Top 10 Treks

Nepal is known for Mount Everest, yet excellent trekking routes can be found throughout the country. Pristine landscapes wait to be discovered, and mountain villagers reward trekkers with steaming mugs of tea and heaping plates of dal bhat. Before setting out on the trail, assess your fitness level, expectations, and the amount of time you’d like to spend in the wild. While some treks cater to travelers –coffee shops, apple pie, double espressos, and billiards tables – other routes are less developed and provide sparse accommodations at best.   Choose your route before arriving in Nepal so you can make the most of your holiday.

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Annapurna sanctuary trek

The Power of Active Holidays

Our "normal" lives consist of 4 components. They are; Sleep, Work, Survival and Personal Time. The chart below shows us this breakdown over a 24 hour period.     On average most adults sleep between 7. 5 to 8 hours per night.

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Seven Marathons on Seven Continents in Seven Days

Beck Mitchell has recently returned from completing 'The World Marathon Challenge' where she has, in seven days, run a marathon in Antarctica, Cape Town, Perth, Dubai, Madrid, Fortaleza and Miami. The event is held in February every two years and in 2020, 42 people had signed up for this extreme event. There were three Australian's who took part, and all three of them are women. We caught up with Beck to talk to her about her experiences taking part in the challenge. What was it like to run a marathon in Antarctica? The conditions while we were running were brutal.

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Secrets of Nepal's Most Explored Towns

Though Nepal is known for her mountains, urban areas provide visitors feasts of cultural and culinary delights. Since most travelers have limited time to spend in the main cities, we set out to uncover hidden treasures demanding to be explored. Whether you find yourself with an extra day in Nepal’s developing capital Kathmandu or arrive early in Pokhara, the lakeside hotspot of hippies and fashionistas, enjoy some of our favorite – and unique – travel experiences.   Kathmandu   1. Warm up on indoor rock Before you set out on the trails, get some climbing practice in at one of Kathmandu’s many indoor rock faces.

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Street scene Kathmandu man on a bike

One Week Adventures

It's the middle of winter in the Southern Hemisphere. The days are short. The weather is foul. You're still at work. How bad could life get? There is hope! If you can manage 1 week away (that's right just 1 week) we can guarantee that we can recharge your batteries and offer you something that you won't be able to stop talking about.

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Camping in the Komodo Islands

Where Do You Fit On The Quarantine Spectrum?

It’s the only time in your life that you have lived through a pandemic and isolation. Two months ago none of us knew how we were going to cope with isolation, would we just about survive or would we thrive? Answer the questions below and see where you fit into the isolation spectrum. Did you learn (attempt to learn) a new language or instrument? Did you do an online class? Have you created a home workout space? Have you redecorated your house or garden? Have you started working on a business idea that you have always wanted to? Did you bake bread from scratch? Did you watch Tiger King? Isolation is Life If you answered yes to most of those questions then isolation is life and you took this time to pause and embrace the forced downtime. For the first time, maybe ever, you took the time to slow down and think about what you really want from life. Now that life is opening up, you know that you will never again spend your weekends rushing from social occasion to socia.

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World globe wearing mask

Why You Shouldn't Do The Normal Machu Picchu

Why we don't do the typical Sacred Valley to Machu Picchu: If you want to do a Sacred Valley tour, how do you choose who to travel with?There are hundreds of companies offering “the” Sacred Valley tour. But we prefer to do it a little differently. We believe in quality over quantity. We believe that you get what you pay for. We do not try to offer the cheapest Sacred Valley tour.

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Crowded Inca Ruin

Why Land Based Galapagos May Be A Better Option?

When you’re planning your trip to the Galapagos, there’s certainly a lot to think about, but it all starts with one simple question: Cruise or Land-based tour? Cruises are a very popular option for many travelers, but land-based tours are increasingly becoming an excellent alternative. There are many reasons a land-based tour is preferable to a cruise. With No Roads, you will:   Rest and relax in our comfortable boutique hotels instead of on a cramped boat. Spend much less time moving from place to place, and more time having fun. Enjoy flexibility and freedom to do what you want, when you want.

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Galapagos accommodation