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Upcoming Events
Phone : +61 3 9598 8581

Upcoming Events

Below is a list of Upcoming Events we have with No Roads Expeditions. Flick through the list and see what we have each month. These include Information Sessions as well as our great Weekend Walks which we run every month of the year (except December). Both the Information Sessions and the Weekend Walks are absolutely FREE and open to everyone. 

Upcoming Events

Due to the frequent Covid related lockdowns, we are unable to schedule any training walks at the moment. We are hoping to commit to more training walks again early in spring. Thank you for your understanding!

Prior to attending, guests should ensure they are healthy and well enough to attend. 
In line with advice from health authorities, guests with cold and flu symptoms should stay home. 
Guests should ensure they have provided their contact details at the time of booking.
Guests are encouraged to download the Australian Government’s COVIDSafe app to improve the ability of health authorities to contain the spread of COVID-19.

Guests to answer specific COVID-19 questions
1.      Have you returned from overseas in the past 14 days? YES/NO
2.      Have you ever contracted Covid-19 (Coronavirus)? YES/NO (if ‘YES’ please proceed to Question 3.
3.      If you answered ‘Yes’ to the above, have you subsequently tested negative and received medical clearance from your Dr? YES/NO

If guests have returned from overseas in the past 14 days, currently have Covid-19, are exhibiting any symptoms, or have a temperature of 37.5 they will be excluded from this training walk.

All guests will have to sign a waiver upon arrival at the training walk. Please read over this before you attend the training walk.

Training Walks: Fire risk & extreme weather cancellation policy.

The safety of our team and clients is always paramount in the planning and conduct of any No Roads activity.  Our training walks are no exception

On days that have been declared a Total Fire Ban, training walks will be cancelled.

On non Total Fire Ban days where the Bureau of Meteorology forecasts the temperature of the day to be 35 degrees or more, the training walk may be cancelled, moved to another location or start time.

*Training walks will not be cancelled due to wet weather, unless extreme weather is forecast e.g., heavy persistent rain, thunderstorms and lightning.

In the event of cancellation, No Roads will make every reasonable effort to contact all members of the group that have formally booked and provided their email address and advise them of the cancellation or alternative location of the training walk.

Things to Bring:

Obviously, depending on the weather you might like to make some considerations for your clothing.

  • Day pack, or Backpack
  • At least 2 litres of drinking water
  • Some comfortable sturdy footwear (hiking boots etc.)
  • Poncho, Raincoat or another waterproof jacket
  • Spare set of clothes (just in case)
  • A sensible lunch
  • An adventurous spirit and a good sense of humour
  • Any other hiking gear you like to use ie. walking stick
  • Warm clothes (Winter Months)
  • Sunscreen and hat (summer months)
  • Sunglasses
  • Hand Sanitiser