Phone : +61 3 9598 8581

Great Creatures Orangutans and Dragons

Why we love this trip!

  • Seeing the almost prehistoric Komodo Dragons in the flesh. The largest lizard on the planet, they can grow to be 3 metres long and 150 kilograms in weight!
  • Visit pristine rainforest, where we are allowed the privilege of visiting Camp Leakey, the research centre inspired by Jane Goodall
  • You get to swim or snorkel amongst pristine coral reefs with large schools of fish, untouched by commercial fishing
  • We get to see remote village life up close and first hand, across Borneo and KomodoTravel up jungle rivers to witness Proboscis, Ebony and Grey Macaque Monkeys
  • Feel like an explorer of old, as we travel up jungle rivers in search of Grey Macaque and Proboscis Ebony Monkeys!
  • Visit the great Borobudur on Java one of the 3 great Buddhist Temples on the planet


This amazing expedition will take us to see both the legendary Komodo Dragon and the awesome Orangutan of Borneo. In doing so we will be visiting two of Indonesia's remotest regions, the islands of Nusa Tengarra and the jungles of Kalimantan.

We first fly from Bali/Jakarta to Labuan Bajo, on the western tip of Flores. Once in Flores, we will transfer directly to our converted fishing boat and set sail for the Komodo Island National Park.

Over the next 5 days we will visit uninhabited islands, snorkel pristine reefs and either camp on deserted beaches or sleep on deck. You will have the chance to sit back and relax aboard our boat or join in with some sea kayaking, paddling from one island to the next. We will visit the famed Rinca Island where we will encounter our first giant Komodo Dragons. Rinca has the highest square kilometer density of Dragons and is a great place for a trek to see them in the wild. We will end the first half of our journey in our hotel back in Labuan Bajo.

The following morning we will fly back to Bal/Jakarta for another night and then off to Pangkalabun in Kalimantan where we will transfer to our hotel and have a look around town. The next day we will head off to the small town of Kumai and hop aboard our river boat or klotok for the rivers and jungles of the Tanjung Puting National Park.

The Tanjung Puting National Park is home to a host of both wild and semi-wild Orangutans (one of mans' closest relatives). It is home to a unique eco-system and unique species such as the proboscis monkey and the false gavial crocodile.

We will visit areas where captive Orangutans are reintroduced into the jungle and witness the work of the Camp Leakey Foundation and FNPF. Both organizations are helping the Orangutan survive and both are helped by donations derived from your participation on this expedition.

Our klotok has a shower and sit down toilet and our sleeping quarters are on mattresses on deck, surrounded by mosquito nets. After a few days in the jungle we will head back to Pangkalabun for our flight back to Bali/Jakarta.

This combined expedition will introduce you to two of the world's most amazing creatures and take you to two quite distinct environments. The pace is slow and easy, but the sense of adventure and discovery is high.


Day 01: Fly into Bali/Jakarta, Indonesia and transfer to Hotel. Free time to relax. 
Day 02: Fly to Labuan Bajo and transfer directly to our boat. We overnight at Seture Island (B, L, D)
Day 03: Seture to Pearl Farm and then to Pungu Island for some snorkeling and overnight. (B, L, D)
Day 04: Pungu island to Kukusan to visit the school then to Gado for snorkeling and to watch the bats at sunset at Kaaba.  Overnight at Toro Buaya. (B, L, D)
Day 05: Toro Buaya to Rinca to see the Komodo Dragons then to Sebeyur Kecil for snorkeling and overnight (B, L, D)
Day 06: Sebayur Kecil to Kanawa and back to Labuan Bajo for overnight accommodation. (B,L)
Day 07: Labuan Bajo - Bali. (B)
Day 08: Bali to Borneo (Pangkalan Bun). (B) 
Day 09: Pangkalabun - Kumai Tanjung Puting National Park (B, L, D)
Day 10: Pondok Tanggui - Camp Leakey - Crocodile Lake. (B, L, D)
Day 11: Croc Lake - Pondok Tanggui - Pangkalan Bun (B, L, D)
Day 12: Pangkalan Bun - Jakarta/Bali (B)
Day 13: Free for your next destination in Indonesia or Home. (B)

This expedition is perfect for families wanting to get away from the hustle and bustle of every day life and spend time together exploring the amazing Komodo Islands & Borneo to see the orangutans.  We have a minimum age of 10 years on our expeditions and we offer a 10% discount off the expedition price for all children 14 years of age and under.

Expedition Dates
This expedition is open between April and November for group sizes 2 - 9 pax. If there are 2 or more of you we can offer private or customised trips to suit your needs (please note there might be additional costs involved). For any further information please contact our office.

SCUBA Dive Option : For those that would like to incorporate a SCUBA Dive into the itinerary this can be done and is highly recommended. 2 dives for AUD$180. Diver must be certified.

Flores Road Trip Extension
For those that want to explore the rugged island of Flores and its culture we have a fantastic trip that runs from Ende to Labuan Bajo visiting places such as Ruteng, Bajawa and the famous Kelimutu Tri Colour Lake Volcano. This 5 day 4 night trip costs only $990 p/p ex Ende Twin Share. If you wish to modify this extension please contact our office directly.

Komodo dragons are a monitor lizard. Their scientific name is Varanus komodoensis. They grow to 3m in length and can weigh as much as 150kg. While they are usually slow moving, they can put on spurts of speed equal to a dog.

Orangutans are highly intelligent with ability to reason and think. This large, gentle red ape is one of our closest relatives, sharing 97% of our DNA. Indigenous peoples of Indonesia and Malaysia call this ape "Orang Hutan" literally translating into English as "People of the Forest".

The Orangutan is a remarkable creature as it is the world's largest arboreal primate. Now faced with the possibility of extinction in the wild in the foreseeable future the No Roads dossier provides some interesting facts about the habits of orangutans and their chances of survival.

We will be visiting two of Indonesia's best National Parks, The Komodo National Park and the Tanjung Puting National Park. Each park is a unique eco-system found nowhere else in the world. The Komodo Dragon is only found in this part of the world while the flora and fauna of Tanjung Puting is found elsewhere, it is not found in such abundance.

These parks are remote from human activity. While they are pristine in many respects, they are under threat from deforestation and unethical fishing practices. Groups such as FNPF, BOS, OFI and The Nature Conservancy are helping to protect these fragile eco-systems. By visiting these places, you will be helping to protect these wonderful places for our grand children.


Day 1: Bali/Jakarta
Upon your arrival in Bali/Jakarta you will be met at the airport by your driver and transferred to your hotel for your overnight accommodation.  Depending on the time of your arrival you will have free time to relax before an evening meeting with a No Roads Representative (Bali only) who will provide you with your domestic etickets and information required for the following day. Overnight at Hotel.

Day 2: Bali/Jakarta - Labuan Bajo – Pulau Bajo Pungu – Seture Island (B, L, D)
Today you will fly Bali/Jakarta to Labuan Bajo and upon arrival at Komodo Airport you will be met by our No Roads Local Manager and transferred out to meet the rest of your group and the No Roads support boat at  Bidadari Island for a bit of snorkelling and lunch. After lunch the support boat will sail to the spectacular site of Goa Rangko caves. Goa Rangko is a grotto with an amazing clear lake seamed by stalactites and stalagmites.  After some time exploring and swimming in the caves you will sail back to Seture Island, for your first overnight camp and if time permits an evening sunset kayak, which is the perfect way to finish the day.  Overnight in Safari style tents on Seture Island   30km by boat (approximately).

Day 3: Seture - Pearl Farm - Pungu Island (B,L,D)
After waking, and an optional early morning swim, you will board the support boat for breakfast before starting your first paddle leg to Pungu Pearl Farm.   After arrival at the white sandy beach of Pungu and enjoying a refreshing ice cold water, the staff will show you how these beautiful products of the sea are grown and sourced at their farm. If you are lucky and it is harvesting time, you will also be able to see the workers harvesting the pearls.  A relaxing paddle through the mangroves will follow your Pearl Farm visit, until you reach Menjerite where you will stop for lunch and some snorkelling.   After lunch you will kayak the beautiful surrounding islands before reaching your overnight camp at Pungu Island.  In the late afternoon, you can choose to snorkel the crystal clear reef just off the beach or spend some more time kayaking around this amazing area. Then it is time to sit back and enjoy the sunset over the surrounding islands before dining on the beach. Overnight in Safari style tents on Pungu Island. Kayak 12.5km (approximately).

Day 4: Pungu Island - Kukusan - Gado  - Rinca village - Kaaba (B,L,D)
This morning starts again with the option for an early morning snorkel just off the beach of Pungu Island before breakfast back on the support boat - always a great way to start the day!  Your first paddle of the day will either take you to Kukusan Island or Rinca Village and if school is in, at these villages, you will pay a visit to the students before exploring life on the island. The next leg of kayaking is to Gado -  with its’ wonderful mangroves and some amazing snorkelling in a spot with giant table corals, plenty of fish and turtles, who hopefully swim by to say hello.  After lunch and some more snorkelling you will either paddle or travel on the support boat to a small mangrove island (Kaaba), which is inhabited by bats.  This is a wonderful sight enjoyed from our top deck  - watching thousands of bats flying into the night sky for their evening meal.  Overnight in cabin on support boat in the park. Kayak 7.2km & 9km by boat (approximately)

Day 5: Rinca - Manta Point - Sebayur Kecil (B,L,D)
Early morning you will rise and boat to the Rinca Ranger’s Office to look for Komodo Dragons. Rinca (pronounced Rin - cha) is the best place in the park to see the Dragons as their numbers and density are larger here than Komodo Island. You will be shown around the Park by a trained Ranger who will explain the eco-system, the Dragon's habits and the life of other inhabitants on the island such as the Macaque, Buffalo, Deer, Tree snakes etc.  After your trek and a drink at the Ranger's Cafe' you will start heading west on the support boat to Manta Point. One of the highlights of this trip is snorkelling with the manta rays at Manta Point and hopefully, these gracious animals will delight you with their presence. After lunch, you will then start paddling towards Sebayur Kecil for your last beach camp of the expedition.  Sebayur Kecil has a beautiful beach with some great coral reefs and fish population so a spot of snorkelling in the late afternoon or early the next morning is certainly encouraged. Overnight in Safari style tents. Kayak 10 km and 9km by boat (approximately).

Day 6: Sebayur Kecil - Kanawa - Labuan Bajo (B,L)
After enjoying your last breakfast out in the beautiful Komodo National Park and maybe a swim or snorkel just off the beach you will then make your way paddling through the Mangroves towards Kanawa for one last snorkel and swim before you hit the last open stretch of kayaking.  It will be then time to say goodbye to the crew before you arrive back at the Puri Sari Beach Hotel by mid afternoon (option to return on the support boat if you prefer).  Overnight at  Hotel. Kayak 19km (approximately).

For those taking up the SCUBA Diving option, this is the day that you can SCUBA Dive at some of the best sites in the Komodo National Park. Sites change due to weather and water conditions, as well fish conditions such as Batu Bolong. The SCUBA Boat will pick you up for 2 dives and then drop you back to the hotel in the late afternoon (lunch provided). Cost $180 per person

Day 7: Labuan Bajo - Bali (B)
In the morning you will be transferred to the Komodo Airport for your domestic flight back to Bali.  Upon arrival in Bali, you will be met at the airport by your driver and transferred back to your Hotel for your overnight stay before flying to Borneo the following day.

Day 8: Bali to Borneo (Pangkalan Bun) (B)
Today starts with an early morning flight from Bali to Pangkalan Bun in Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. On arrival in Pangkalan Bun you will be met by your Guide and taken to your hotel. This afternoon you will take a scenic river cruise to see the incredible sights and sounds of the local town and its people. Overnight at the Swiss Belinn Hotel.

Day 9: Pangkalan Bun - Camp Leakey - Crocodile Lake (B,L,D)
This morning you will board our klotok and travel up the Sekonyer river to Camp Leakey; the oldest camp set up for the orphaned orangutans. Upon arrival at Camp Leakey you will take a short trek in the surrounding rainforest and meet some of the resident orangutans and their caretakers, followed by a visit to the museum.  You will then head back to the klotok for lunch, where you may see more orangutans. After lunch, you will head back to the camp for the afternoon orangutan feeding time. At the end of the day you will be given a tour of the surrounding forest area, then cruise down Camp Leakey River to your overnight location at Crocodile Lake. Whilst here, you will likely see other wildlife of Borneo such as macaques and proboscis monkeys. Overnight on the klotok. You will be provided with a mattress, pillow and mosquito net.

Day 10 : Crocodile Lake - Pondok Tanggui - Tanjung Harapan (B,L,D)
This morning you will head back down river to Pondok Tanggui for morning orangutan feeding. In the afternoon you will visit Tanjung Harapan station for afternoon orangutan feeding. Overnight on the klotok.

Day 11 : Pondok Tanggui - Pesalat Reforestation (B,L,D)
Today you will travel up river to Pesalat Plantation where you will plant some trees to help regenerate the forest. After lunch you will take a tour of the local village, and in the afternoon you will slowly travel down river, stopping along the way to watch the proboscis monkeys on the riverbanks. As dusk falls we will travel back to Kumai harbour and enjoy a dinner along the river as we go. Overnight in Pangkalan Bun at Swiss Belinn hotel.

Day 12: Pangkalan Bun - Bali/Jakarta (B)
Today you will travel back to your starting point in either Bali or Jakarta and upon arrival, you will be met at the airport by your driver and transferred back to your Hotel for your final night's stay of your expedition. If your travel plans require you to return home or to continue directly on to your next destination, you can make arrangements to end your expedition upon your arrival back in Bali/Jakarta.  Overnight at Hotel.

Day 13: Home or onwards travel (B)
Your amazing adventure comes to an end and you are free to continue your travel plans or return home.

Note: This itinerary is indicative and may change due to local conditions and the strength of kayaking team.

The itinerary commencing and finishing point is optional either from Bali or Jakarta however you must depart from your point of origin.  If this differs from your plans, please contact our office directly.


  • Hotel Accommodation in Bali ( 3 nights), Labuan Bajo (1 night), Tanjung Puting (1 night) and Semerang (1 night)
  • All boat costs in Flores and Kalimantan
  • All meals as per itinerary (12 x Breakfast, 7 x Lunches and 7 x Dinners)
  • Cooks
  • All domestic flights to and from Bali
  • 2 nights on klotok
  • 3 nights camping
  • 1 night accommodation in cabin on our support boat. Note: Cabins are shared by group members of the same gender and we might not be able to accommodate couples in the same room that night.
  • All transfers in each destination
  • Meet and greet in Bali 
  • National park fees
  • Professional guide to meet clients and for transfers and all parts of tour 
  • Ranger and local guide fees, boat mooring fees
  • All meals including tea, coffee and drinking water (3 litres of drinking water per client per day)
  • Ice chest including ice on board the boat and fridge (Komodo only)
  • Visit to Borobudur Temple on Java

If you are traveling alone and do not want to share accommodation, a Single Supplement of AUD$390 will apply. Note: The Single Supplement can only be granted for the hotel accommodation. During the kayaking part of the trip the Single Supplement is subject to availability. On the Klotok in Tanjung Puting you will be sleeping on deck.


  • International Airfares
  • Airport Tax
  • Travel Insurance for your trip
  • Still and movie camera fees in the Komodo National Park
  • Tips
  • Alcoholic beverages


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