Phone : +61 3 9598 8581

Girls Gone Kayaking

Why we love this trip!

  • Seeing the almost prehistoric Komodo Dragons in the flesh. The largest lizard on the planet, they can grow to be 3 metres long and 150 kilograms in weight!
  • We get to journey with like-minded female adventurers
  • Paddle amongst some of the most remote and pristine islands in Indonesia that few people have ever visited
  • We get to see local village life up close and first hand, among the islands of Flores and Komodo
  • With no commercial fishing allowed within the National Park, you get to snorkel amongst pristine coral reefs with large schools of fish (there's even the opportunity to SCUBA dive)
  • The consideration given to environmental impact, so everything taken into the islands is brought back (and our crew clean the beach of litter left by others)! We've added waste disposal bins to the islands for any visitors to use, and provide all guests with environmentally sound water bottles
  • Taking our time on this trip, you really get the chance to relax and disconnect from the everyday world
  • Experience sleeping out under the stars in spacious Safari tents on a deserted beach!
  • You choose your balance of activities and relaxation time. The stunning support boat is there for you to lounge on and read a book, or you can choose to kayak and snorkel the day away
  • Morning yoga on your own secluded beach! Are there many places more Zen?
  • It's the perfect balance of kayaking and land-based activities for a physical and cultural Indonesian adventure


Do you love your travel with a large serve of adventure and a sprinkling of wellness?

This is the ultimate getaway for women who enjoy travelling with like-minded adventurous, female travellers.

Spend your days doing yoga on the beach, kayaking crystal clear waters, swimming with manta rays and turtles and your evenings on a secluded beach.

Solo female travellers and groups of girlfriends, this expedition is made for you.


You will be looked after from the moment you arrive at Bali as you are transferred to your hotel and meet your fellow adventurers.

Sunset drinks at the stunning Ayana Resort will be your perfect introduction to the small but beautiful town of Labuan Bajo in Flores. 

The real adventure begins when you start kayaking around the beautiful Komodo Islands. No filter is needed to photograph the clearest water you can imagine. The fun loving and highly skilled crew will have you paddling like an expert in no time as well as feeding you delicious food and making you smile.

The next few days will be spent kayaking and snorkelling and seeing incredible wildlife, an experience you will never forget.

Once you return to Labuan Bajo learn to cook traditional Indonesian food with a half day cooking class.

To finish your ultimate girls getaway enjoy a 90-minute Balinese massage when you return to Bali.


Day 1: Arrive Bali and transfer to hotel
Day 2: Flight from Bali to Labuan Bajo (Komodo National Park). Afternoon town tour. and sunset drinks at Ayana Resort (B)
Day 3: Kayaking from Labuan Bajo to Bidadari Island and then to Seture Island (B,L,D)
Day 4: Morning yoga on the beach before paddling from Seture Island to Pearl Farm then to Pungu Island (B,L,D)
Day 5: Morning snorkel before paddling from Pungu Island to Kukusan or Rinca Village - Kaaba (B,L,D)
Day 6: See the Komodo Dragons at Rinca Island before heading to Manta Point to swim with Manta Rays. Paddle to Sebayur Kecil (B,L,D)
Day 7: Paddle from Sebayur Kecil to Kanawa for your last snorkel and swim before your final paddle back to Labuan Bajo. Transfer back to the hotel. (B,L)
Day 8: This morning a cooking class and this afternoon a private Yoga class. Final dinner at Ayana Resort  (B,L,D) 
Day 9: Flight from  Labuan Bajo to Bali. Afternoon 90 minute traditional Balinese massage. (B)
Day 10: Depart Bali (B)

Note: This itinerary can vary due to local conditions and strength of the kayaking team. Days can be shortened or lengthened depending on many factors. 


Day 1: Arrive Bali
Upon your arrival in Bali, you will be met at the airport by your driver and transferred to your hotel for your overnight accommodation.  Depending on the time of your arrival you will have free time to relax before an evening meeting to meet the rest of the girls on your trip and with our No Roads Representative, who will provide you with your domestic etickets and information required for the following day. Overnight at Hotel.

Day 2: Bali - Labuan Bajo (Komodo National Park) (B)
Today you will fly with your group from Bali to Labuan Bajo and upon arrival at Komodo Airport, you will be met by our No Roads Local Manager and transferred to your Hotel. After check-in you have a town tour of Labuan Bajo to see the local market and other town sights.  Late afternoon you will be transferred to the Ayana Resort for sunset drinks and their amazing rooftop bar - which has a spectacular view of the surrounding islands.  A welcome meeting with your Guide will complete day 2 for you. Overnight in Hotel.

Day 3: Labuan Bajo - Bidadari Island- Seture Island (B,L,D)
This morning is the start of your adventure out into the Komodo National Park.  After a safety briefing at Puri Sari beach with your Guide, you will begin your first kayaking leg to Bidadari Island where you will then enjoy a snorkel and a swim followed by lunch on the support boat.  After lunch, the support boat will sail to the spectacular site of Goa Rangko caves. Goa Rangko is a grotto with an amazingly clear lake seamed by stalactites and stalagmites.  After some time exploring and swimming in the caves you will sail back to Seture Island, for your first overnight camp and if time permits an evening sunset kayak, which is the perfect way to finish the day.  Overnight in Safari style tents on Seture Island  Kayak 5.3km & 30km by boat (approximately).

Day 4: Seture Island - Pearl Farm - Pungu Island (B,L,D)
After waking, and an optional early morning swim, you will be indulged with a private Yoga class on the beach before you board the support boat for breakfast and start your first paddle leg to Pungu Pearl Farm.   After arrival at the white sandy beach of Pungu and enjoying a refreshing ice cold water, the staff will show you how these beautiful products of the sea are grown and sourced at their farm. If you are lucky, and it is harvesting time, you will also be able to see the workers harvesting the pearls.  A relaxing paddle through the mangroves will follow your Pearl Farm visit, until you reach Menjerite where you will stop for lunch and some snorkelling.   After lunch, you will kayak the beautiful surrounding islands before reaching your overnight camp at Pungu Island.  In the late afternoon, you can choose to snorkel the crystal clear reef just off the beach or spend some more time kayaking around this amazing area. Then it is time to sit back and enjoy the sunset over the surrounding islands before dining on the beach. Overnight in Safari style tents on Pungu Island. Kayak 12.5km (approximately)

Day 5: Pungu Island - Kukusan - Gado - Rinca Village - Kaaba (B,L,D)
This morning starts again with the option for an early morning snorkel just off the beach of Pungu Island before breakfast back on the support boat - always a great way to start the day!  Your first paddle of the day will either take you to Kukusan Island or Rinca Village and if school is in, at these villages, you will pay a visit to the students before exploring life on the island. The next leg of kayaking is to Gado -  with its’ wonderful mangroves and some amazing snorkelling in a spot with giant table corals, plenty of fish and turtles, who hopefully swim by to say hello.  After lunch and some more snorkelling, you will either paddle or travel on the support boat to a small mangrove island (Kaaba), which is inhabited by bats.  This is a wonderful sight enjoyed from our top deck  - watching thousands of bats flying into the night sky for their evening meal.  Overnight in the cabin on support boat in the park. Kayak 7.2km & 9km by boat (approximately)

Day 6: Rinca - Manta Point - Sebayur Kecil (B,L,D)
Early morning you will rise and boat to the Rinca Ranger’s Office to look for Komodo Dragons. Rinca (pronounced Rin - cha) is the best place in the park to see the Dragons as their numbers and density are larger here than Komodo Island. You will be shown around the park by a trained Ranger who will explain the eco-system, the Dragon's habits and the life of other inhabitants on the island such as the Macaque, Buffalo, Deer, Tree snakes etc.  After your trek and a drink at the Ranger's Cafe' you will start heading west on the support boat to Manta Point. One of the highlights of this trip is snorkelling with the manta rays at Manta Point and hopefully, these gracious animals will delight you with their presence. After lunch, you will then start paddling towards Sebayur Kecil for your last beach camp of the expedition.  Sebayur Kecil has a beautiful beach with some great coral reefs and fish population so a spot of snorkelling in the late afternoon or early the next morning is certainly encouraged. Overnight in Safari style tents. Kayak 10 km and 9km by boat (approximately).

Day 7: Sebayur Kecil - Kanawa - Labuan Bajo (B,L)
After enjoying your last breakfast out in the beautiful Komodo National Park and maybe a swim or snorkel just off the beach you will then make your way paddling through the Mangroves towards Kanawa for one last snorkel and swim before you hit the last open stretch of kayaking.  It will be then time to say goodbye to the crew before you arrive back at the Puri Sari Beach Hotel by mid afternoon (option to return on the support boat if you prefer).  Overnight at  Hotel. Kayak 19km (approximately).

For those taking up the SCUBA Diving option, this is the day that you can SCUBA Dive at some of the best sites in the Komodo National Park. Sites change due to weather and water conditions, as well fish conditions such as Batu Bolong. The SCUBA Boat will pick you up for 2 dives and then drop you back to the hotel in the late afternoon (lunch provided). Cost $180 per person.

Day 8: Labuan Bajo - Cooking Class - Yoga  (B,L,D) 
Today you will immerse yourself in a traditional Indonesia cooking class.  After collection at your Hotel by your chef, you will shop at the local market for in-season produce for your cooking class later that morning - the market place is a wonderful experience for all your senses.   You will participate in cooking 3 local dishes with your chef, who will not only give you a few good cooking tips but a copy of the recipes for you to take home, so you can recreate these delicious dishes for family & friends.   You will have time to enjoy the meal you have helped prepare along with a cold drink before heading back to your Hotel.   Later in the afternoon, your group will have the option to participate in a private Yoga class before having a final dinner in Labuan Bajo at the stunning Ayana Resort.

Day 9: Labuan Bajo - Bali (B)
In the morning you will be transferred to the Komodo Airport for your domestic flight back to Bali.  Upon arrival in Bali, you will be met at the airport by your driver and transferred back to your hotel for your final night's stay of your expedition. Upon arrival back at the hotel you will be treated to a relaxing 90 minute traditional Balinese massage at the beautiful Tea Tree Spa, so you will end your expedition feeling relaxed and rejuvenated - the perfect end to a wonderful trip. Overnight at Hotel.

Day 10: Depart Bali (B)
Your amazing adventure comes to an end and you are free to continue your travel plans or return home. 

Note: This itinerary is indicative and may change due to local conditions and the strength of kayaking team.


  • Kayak use with all safety gear including vest, paddle etc
  • Two nights accommodation in Bali twin share
  • Three nights accommodation in Labuan Bajo twin share
  • Three nights beach camping in safari style tents
  • One night accommodation in a cabin on our support boat. Note: Cabins are shared cabins.
  • All domestic flights (within Indonesia)
  • National park fees
  • Professional Guide throughout the expedition
  • Labuan Bajo Town Tour 
  • Cooking and Yoga Classes
  • Ranger and local Guide fees
  • All meals on expedition (9 Breakfasts, 5 Lunches and 5 Dinners)
  • Sunset drinks at Ayana Resort (Day 2) (2 drinks per person - champagne, wine, beer, soft drink only)
  • Toilet tent at camping sites
  • Airport transfers to and from accommodation in Bali (Holiday Inn Baruna) and Labuan Bajo (Puri Sari Beach Hotel).
  • 90 minute traditional Balinese massage at Tea Tree Spa (Holiday Inn Baruna) or other treatment to the value of AUD$60.00
  • If you do not want to share accommodation, a Single Supplement of $350 is available. The Single Supplement can only be granted for the hotel & tent accommodation. The night on board the support boat in the cabin is subject to availability.


  • International Flights
  • Travel Insurance
  • All meals not listed as included
  • Still and movie camera fees in the Komodo National Park
  • Tips
  • Alcoholic beverages not listed as included


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