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Sarawaget 4000 Meter Peaks

In 2019 we traversed the Sarawaget Range on the Huon Peninsula in Papua New Guinea. This was a tough trek. Our objective was to traverse and to summit one of the 4000-meter peaks. Unfortunately due to the rugged terrain, we were unable to summit. However, in 2020 we return to Sarawaget to not only tackle one 4000 meter peak but at least four. We have a new route up the mountain that gives us quicker access to the grassland and support of the landowners who know this terrain better than anyone.

If you want to be part of a special expedition to summits that have never been climbed, then this trip is for you. Keep in mind, it will be tough and open to a maximum of 12 people. For more information click here to the Sarawaget Summit page.

Crossing river in the Sarawaget Range PNG

Huayhuash Trail

HuayHuash trek

Made famous for all the right and wrong reasons by Joe Simpson's book "Touching the Void", the Cordillera Huayhuash is a truly spectacular trail snaking its' way into the deep Andes. The trail rises and falls over 4000 and 5000 meter passes, meandering down to high alpine lakes at 4500 meters which are usually our campsites for the evening. 

Meanwhile, glaciers and snow capped peaks glisten above us, tantalisingly close, beckoning us to come even closer. This is a true hiking adventure replete with gracious and dramatic landscapes, thin air, freezing nights and a sky that is deep blue by day and a window to deep space at night.

With us will be a professional team of mountain guides, horsemen, cooks and porters. This has been their backyard all their lives and they are more than happy to show us around.

We will be running only one trip in 2020 at a reduced price, to introduce our No Roads family to what many consider as one of the greatest trails on the planet. Are you up for the challenge? For more information go to our Huayhuash page.