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What we do and how we can help you!

Essentially we are a remote adventure travel logistics company. That's a fancy way of saying we run adventures in remote places all over the world. We have been doing this for 18 years when we started in Indonesia and operated out of a garage in suburban Melbourne, Australia.

No Roads now operates all over the planet. We operate public as well as bespoke private nature-based experiences for groups ranging from 2 to 100. We provide support for other adventure companies as well as small cruise companies in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. We also provide logistical support for media organisations in all of these destinations and beyond.

If you have a trip or a destination in mind and would like help making it a reality, we are the people to call. No Roads has access to exclusive experiences that may not be found anywhere else. And we can help create something special that no-one has ever done before. While our public adventures make up a large portion of our business, we can tailor adventures for you, your group or family and your business. We have expertise throughout Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas.

Please, give us a call or email us as your first step toward making your next incredible adventure, a reality!

Man standing on Gran Paradiso Summit

Mountain range in Annapurnas Nepal


Our roots are in the remote!

From day one, we have been crafting adventures in remote locations. From mountain summits in Indonesia to tropical islands in Papua New Guinea, we have forged many new, untrodden trails, to us and our guests to places few if any have been before. On Mt Rinjani (now a popular trekking mountain and somewhere we no longer travel to) we forged the Jati trail up the eastern slopes of the mountain. To this day few ever travel that route. In the Komodo islands we were the first to sea kayak these incredible waters and in the Tigak Sea Papua New Guinea, we were the first to paddle the islands toward New Hanover.

Our current project is to climb every known and unknown 4000 meter peak in Papua New Guinea. This is a project that will take several years but we are well on our way including our upcoming Sarawaget trek.

No Roads is also the ground operator for several cruise ships in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, gaining access to incredibly remote communities, liaising with village and opening places that few would ever be able to visit.

Climbing ridge to Mt Giluwe PNG

We believe in the power of Nature!

Robert Louis Stevenson once wrote "that quality of air, that emanation from old trees that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit" is just one of the thousands of observations from eminent writers, scientists, poets and philosophers on the power of being in Nature. These anecdotes are now being backed up by scientific observations that measure people's stress levels, blood pressure, brain waves and cancer-fighting NK cells among just a few. It is becoming abundantly clear that being in Nature, on the mountain, kayaking the water, trekking the forests, has long term physical, psychological and spiritual benefits that simply outperform many pharmaceuticals.  

Man standing on rock overlooking mountains and lake

Our Codes guide us on our Journey

We have 4 Codes that guide us through every decision we make. These Codes provide us and you, a better understanding of what we are doing and how we do it. The 4 Codes are our overall Company Code, our Guest Code (that's you), our Team Code (that's our team) and our Adventure Code (that's our incredible trips).

Loving nature on a mountain

Company Code

We love our business and what it stands for and the following are some of the principles that drive us every day:

  • We obsess over our Guests, not our competition
  • We believe in work plus life not work versus life!
  • We trust ourselves
  • We believe our best asset is amazing people
  • We dare to be different
  • We deliver WOW through great service
  • We believe in open and honest relationships. "Sunlight is the best disinfectant." -Louis Brandeis

Walking along a ridge line on a mountain

Guest Code

We refer to our customers as Guests. Why? Guest denotes deep respect for the person, that we will do anything to make their stay pleasurable and remarkable, that we are there for them. Just imagine you have invited a friend over for dinner. You do your best to make their stay enjoyable, from asking them if they have any eating preferences to making sure the house is clean and tidy. They are treated special because you honour your friendship.

  • We strive to turn our Guests into brand ambassadors by providing them with incredible experiences.
  • Identify every touchpoint a Guest has with No Roads and see how we can turn that touchpoint into a wow moment for them.
  • It must be easy and convenient for our Guests to deal with us (people only have finite time and they shouldn't waste it on our processes)
  • Guest complaints are a gift. We should see them as such. The person has taken their time to let us know where they think we went wrong. 
  • We provide our Guests with complete solutions to their travel problems.
  • We are totally honest about our trips and the suitability for our Guests.
  • We love repeat Guests. Let's make it as easy for them to deal with us as possible by ensuring personal particulars are taken into account when they return.
  • Guests who return for their 4th trip become a Mate For Life. Mates For Life are just that, Mates, and are precious to us. We should be always thinking of ways of rewarding them so that they not only come back for another trip but continue to sing our praises.

Guests having a drink in front of Dolomites

Smiling guests on our trip

Team Code

No Roads is nothing without the right kind of people to drive it. For No Roads to shine, to stand out and to offer the world the best nature-based experiences, then we need the right people to make it happen. Not everyone can work at No Roads because not everyone has what it takes to deliver what we are offering.

We can summarise our Team Code with the following acronym: HEART

H: Humble

“Humility is not thinking less of your self; it is thinking of yourself less” C.S Lewis

You are awesome yet modest. You share success and shoulder responsibility when things go wrong.

E: Effective

Simply put you get stuff done that measurably moves the business towards its goals. You are a self-starter, with a sense of ownership – you are resourceful and always looking for leverage.

A: Adaptable

You are comfortable with change and constantly evolving and growing.

R: Remarkable

You have a superpower that no-one else possesses. You are remarkably smart, remarkably creative, remarkably resourceful, remarkably insightful, remarkably wise.

T: Transparent

You are open and honest with others and with yourself. You hold nothing back; you share openly and there is nothing hidden or implied in your communication.

Komodo island guides having fun

Australian Guides Team Shot

Kokoda track guides team photo

Adventure Code

Our Adventure Code outlines the entire basis of all our trips and guides us when we are putting together an adventure for you. It is an aspiration. But it is definitive in what it is to look like.

  • Simple is better than complex
  • We have direct control over our operations
  • We focus on the experiences people remember
  • Value for money
  • Quality over quantity
  • Innovative and unique (one of a kind)
  • Zero negative impact on the environment
  • Positive impact on local culture and traditions
  • Ease of use
  • Appreciates finer things but also can rough it and take on challenges

Hiking in the European Alps