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Kokoda Track and Northern Beachheads Trek

  • https://www.noroads.com.au/exfiles/expeditions/Kokoda Crossing Stream
  • Kokoda 16
  • Kokoda 2
  • https://www.noroads.com.au/exfiles/accommodation (900 x 600) brighter
  • Kokoda 15
  • https://www.noroads.com.au/exfiles/Sanananda (900 x 600) brighter
  • https://www.noroads.com.au/exfiles/war relics (900 x 600) brighter

Why we love this trip!

  • Accurate and balanced history delivered by your Australian Guide
  • Understand what Australian and Japanese soldiers endured during WWII
  • Amazing terrain and river crossings (great swimming) 
  • Walk through the most pristine rain forests in the world 
  • Dawn Service at Brigade Hill
  • Dawn Service at Isurava Battlefield
  • Wonderful people with beautiful singing voices 
  • Undertake something that will push your body and spirit to new levels
  • Visit the northern beaches of Buna, Gona and Sanananda


Trekking the Kokoda Track is a rite of passage for many Australians. The Kokoda trek takes you to one of Australia's most important WWII battle sites where you are immersed in the history by the Australian Guide.

A lesser-visited part of Papua New Guinea is the Northern Beachheads, which were a significant part of the military campaign, and as part of this expedition, is an area you'll get to experience.

The Battle of the Beachheads in Gona, Buna, and Sanananda marks the conclusion of 1942 for the Papua New Guinea campaign.

The Australian’s went into this phase of the belief it would be an easy to win battle, the Japanese having lost what was assumed to have been a vast force on the Kokoda Track, and an assumption that those who remained would be exhausted, unwell, and unable to put up much of a fight.

The reality could not have been more different. The Japanese had landed fresh reinforcements, were over 9000 men strong who were largely healthy, fit and prepared to fight to the death.

This would become one of the bloodiest battles fought during the New Guinea campaign in incredibly tough conditions. Malaria was rampant amongst soldiers on both sides, supplies of food and medication were very low and the jungle terrain made communication difficult.

Australia lost 967 people killed in action, 228 died of wounds, 66 were missing and presumed dead and 2210 were wounded in action.


Join us as we trek Kokoda and end the trek with a visit to the Northern Beachheads.

This expedition runs south to north (Owers Corner to Kokoda) following the Australian Advance along the trail.


Day 1: Arrive Port Moresby.
Day 2: Drive to Owers Corner. Trek from Owers Corner to Ioribaiwa.
Day 3: Ioribaiwa to Agulogo
Day 4: Agulogo to Brigade Hill
Day 5: Brigade Hill to Kagi
Day 6: Rest in the village of Kagi on the Sabbath.
Day 7: Kagi to Templeton 1 via Bombers Camp
Day 8: Templeton 1 to Isurava Battlefield
Day 9: Isurava Battlefield to Hoi
Day 10: Hoi to Kokoda. From Kokoda we head to the northern beaches and Sanananda
Day 11: Tour of the northern beaches and Buna
Day 12: Depart Sanananda to Popondetta via Huggins Roadblock and fly to Port Moresby.
Day 13: Visit Bomana War Cemetery. Transfer to airport for flight home

Note: This Itinerary is indicative and may change due to local conditions. 

For those that do not wish to share accommodation in Port Moresby, a Single Supplement of $380 will apply. 

No Roads Expeditions also has a dedicated Kokoda website. With over 100 pages of information, this is an invaluable source of information for those trekking the Kokoda Track. Click on the kokodaexpeditions.com.au

INSURANCE: It is mandatory for you to have appropriate insurance for this expedition. Click here to obtain an online quote. 

The General Guides we use are the life blood of our business in PNG. Not only do they carry your food and equipment, but many have intimate knowledge of the areas we are traveling through. They are very interesting people who, at night, cook our meals and entertain us. If you or a group of you would like to hire a personal guide for your expedition, this can be arranged. For the 8 days, a personal guide costs an extra AUD$720.  Employing a Personal Guide does not mean that your struggle along the Kokoda track is any less meaningful. You are helping a local with a job and you will probably enjoy the Track that much more.

The Koiari people generally inhabit the area between the foothills of the Owen Stanley Ranges east of Port Moresby and Kokoda. They once built homes in tree-tops and when Europeans first encountered them in the 1880's, they were renowned for their fierceness.

Today, the Koiari are Seventh Day Adventists so they do not raise or eat pigs, chew betel nut or smoke tobacco. They grow taros, bananas, yams, vegetables and recently coffee. They are very friendly people, however, young female Koiari are particularly shy and reserved and you should respect their wishes if they do not want to talk. Male bush walkers should give women the right of way on the trail - step off the trail, the further the better.

Also, be aware that men and women bathe in different places; usually the women down stream from the men. The same can apply to toilets, so ask first. Be sensitive, as this is of great importance to the people.

No Roads deals directly with the Koiari land owners. We have a great relationship with them and assured any Track closures will not apply to us.

Our food is one of the biggest differences between us and other operators. We do not get you to carry the food and we do not supply baked beans and 2 minute noodles for every meal. We cook up curries, vegetarian pastas, damper, prawn crackers, fried rice and the list goes on. Our Master Chefs are specifically trained in food handling to ensure you have not only a delicious meal full of nutrition, but one that is safe to eat. You may even have the opportunity to help the Chef prepare the meal, giving you a chance to engage our local team in conversation and build a bond otherwise not obtained.

Another feature of this expedition is that we try to maximise the economic benefits from your presence to the village people living in villages along the Track. This provides incentives for villagers to offer a good standard of service to trekking parties as well as a vital source of income to pay for medicine, education and transportation.

As an ecotourism company, we are always looking for ways to maximise the benefits of tourism to the people living in the local area. Our tour uses experienced guides and porters recruited from all along the Track. And much of the food you will eat along the way is supplied by village people en route. This not only gives the villagers a market for their vegetable crops but gives you a wonderful opportunity to try out local foods. Food purchased locally includes pineapple, bananas, potatoes and pumpkins as well as eggs.

Camp breakfast is billy tea/milo/coffee with damper and porridge or Weetbix and Corn Flakes with powdered milk. Camp lunch is noodles, cuppa soups, biscuits and cheese.

We also provide you with 9 days of electrolyte replacement such as Hydralyte, to replace fluids and essential electrolytes. This process helps prevent muscle seizures and cramps.

Finally, we provide you with 9 days of snacks that will help you from meal to meal. These consist of muesli bars, lollies, nuts and cup a soups.


    * From Owers' Corner to Kokoda as the crow flies is about 60km
    * The Kokoda track between these two points is 94-km
    * One trekker recorded over 25,000 steps on his pedometer in one day
    * If you total all the uphill climbing along the track, it comes to more than 5500m of elevation gain
    * The best section is between Menari and Kagi, although the nicest forests are found at the higher elevations between Kagi Gap and Templeton's Crossing
    * The highest point on the track is 2190m


Day 01: Arrive Port Moresby and transfer to hotel. Pre-expedition briefing by your guide.

Day 02: (6-7 Hours) We will be introduced to our expert guide and local team, who we will spend the next 8 days with us. They will set up camp, carry our food, tents and safety equipment and ensure we have a safe and enjoyable trek.
We will then start trekking, crossing the Goldie River and head towards Imita Ridge the site of the original ‘Golden Stairs’. After we climb up and over Imita we will have multiple crossings of Ua-Ule Creek before we reach our campsite at Ioribaiwa. (B,L,D).

Day 03: (7-8 Hours) Trek down the other side to Ofi Creek before climbing the many false peaks of the Maguli Range. After a quick lunch along the way, we will drop down to our campsite at the village of Agulogo. (B,L,D).

Day 04: (9 hours) Leaving New Nauro we will drop down into the swamp and cross the Brown River before taking on fresh water and climbing up the ‘Wall’ on the other side we will drop down to the major village of Menari. Here we take on fresh fruit and vegetables which will be used in the delicious meals cooked by our team.  Leaving Menari we will climb up Brigade Hill where we will camp tonight. (B,L,D).

Day 05: (6-7 hours) This morning we will conduct a short service to recognise the sacrifices of all those who died fighting on this battlefield. After the service we will drop down to Efogi, believe it or not we have crossed the half way mark. Then it is up to the satellite village of Efogi 2 then to the village of Kagi where we will make camp. (B,L,D).

Day 06: Today is the Sabbath for the Seventh Day Adventists. Thus, we will join them (if you wish) in a church service to hear their beautiful singing and witness how they pray. Afterwards we will take a leisurely stroll to a local natural wonder, relaxing and letting our muscles rest before the next day’s trek. Overnight in the village of Kagi (B,L,D).

Day 07: (8 Hours) Today you will hike from Kagi to Templeton 1. We will trek via Bombers Camp. We are almost on the home straight. (B,L,D).

Day 08: (6 Hours) Hike from Templeton 1 to Isurava Battlefield. Along the way we will see many weapon pits and ammunition dumps including the Japanese strong hold above Eora Creek. Passing through Alola the landscape will change as we visit Con’s Rock before ending up at the Isurava Battlefield (B,L,D).

Day 09: This morning we will conduct a commemorative service at Isurava Battlefield  which will involve both the trekkers and the porters. Coming together we will pay our respects to both the Australians and Papuans that served in the Kokoda Campaign. We will also visit the site where Bruce Kingsbury’s actions won him the Victoria Cross.  After our service we will continue to drop down to Deniki and then on to Hoi. Tonight we sleep at Hoi. (B,L,D).
Day 10:  This morning we will continue dropping down off the Owen Stanley Range before we reach the tractor trail. With heads held high we will march into Kokoda Station. As we pass through the archway a sense of achievement will come over the group along with a sense of pride as we reflect on the epic journey of following in the footsteps of our forebears seventy five years after the battle. Our vehicle will be waiting and after a visit to the Kokoda plateau memorials and the Bert Keinzle memorial museum, we will drive to Popondetta then on to Gona battlefield where we will be picked up by boat before transferring to the village of Sanananda.  (B,L,D).

Day 11: From our base at Sanananda we will use our boat to visit the battlefield of Buna. In the afternoon we will walk up to The Japanese Hospital and tour Sanananda before having downtime in the afternoon. (B,L,D).

Day 12: This morning you will have time to relax and by vehicle visit Huggins Road Block before continuing on to Popondetta. You will then take the flight from Popondetta to Port Moresby and transfer to the hotel. Arriving back at the hotel we will have time to clean our gear and prepare for our trip back to Australia. In the evening we will have dinner and our presentation. (B,L).
Day 13: This morning visit Bomana War Cemetery before being transferred from the cemetery to your flight home or next destination.


  • Hand selected and trained Australian and Local Guide for the entire expedition
  • Electrolyte supplement such as Hydralyte, essential for such a trip
  • All domestic schedule flights
  • Satellite phone for emergency purposes
  • AED Defibrillator on all Australian Led trip
  • River rescue team and procedures, essential for large rivers
  • Government Taxes (except visa charge and civil aviation terminal facilities charge) 
  • Shower tent to wash with soap and protect the environment. Hot showers are available.
  • 10 delicious breakfasts, 9 nutritious lunches, 8 fresh dinners. Meals on expedition include Curries and Pasta. All prepared by a trained Master
  • Chef. (Dietary requirements can be incorporated)
  • All transfers including those from the airport and from Owers Corner
  • Visit Bomana War Cemetery
  • Nutritious and delicious food for the local team who deserve the best.
  • All accommodation outside of Port Moresby in either insect proof tents or guest houses
  • Kokoda Track Permit
  • Hand selected Guide and porter team (who carry all group equipment, food, set up tents etc)
  • 1 to 1 General Guide-Client ratio
  • rubbish guide that takes all our rubbish and other operators rubbish from the Track
  • Tent hire and floor mats.
  • 2 nights accommodation in Port Moresby twin share (3 star Holiday Inn : the best in Port Moresby)
  • Snack Pack for each expedition day to get you between meals
  • VHF Radio contact with Port Moresby, Kokoda and 10 other Track villages for emergency purposes. 
  • No Roads Expedition T-shirt
  • Urine and health chart
  • Access to your Australian Guide for advise prior to the expedition
  • Access to FREE weekend walks before and after the expedition


  • International Flights
  • Travel Insurance
  • Tips to General Guides
  • Personal Spending Money





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