Phone : +61 3 9598 8581

No Roads Health Medical



Approximately twenty - five percent (25%) of our trekkers have either repeat trekked with us or gone on to become Clinical Team Leaders. The vast majority of trekkers have stayed engaged through social media, emails, fund-raising events and advocated throughout their professional networks to promote No Roads – Health work in PNG, which we believe is testament to the quality of the program. 


A perfect antidote to the humdrum of GP life in the burbs. Medical presentations to bring back that wonder of diagnosis. People appreciating your efforts to help, even when you can't always.  Diagnoses that have never appeared on your list of differentials, what a challenge. The people of PNG are refreshing and bring you back to why you are in this career. Maybe even improving your medicine / nursing back home. - Dr Barry Teperman (GP - Victoria)


Wow, what an amazing adventure!!! It is hard to find the words to describe this experience which has changed my outlook on life forever!!! The people we met were happy, welcoming and beautiful. The nursing is in locations you can only dream of, is back to basics and pushed us out of our comfort zone in ways we did not anticipate. What a privilege to walk, talk and work hard with like minded people. We shared so many laughs, stories, history and some very special memories in this majestic, remote location. No Roads – Health supports people to experience something wonderful and I am so very proud to have been involved with such a wonderful group of professional people who, together, are truly making a difference in Papua New Guinea. Make this part of your next adventure, you won’t regret it!!! ...... And if you think you can’t...... you can!!!..... get out there and do something that will change your life forever!!! - Mia (RN - Victoria)


No Roads - Health - where do I start? My experience was so far above and beyond my expectations of what it would be. Working with a group of people from different professional backgrounds, and with different levels of experience, to provide health care to the people of PNG was an amazing experience. There were things we came across that stumped us and provoked different emotions in all of us. I learnt so much about both PNG's and Australia's health care systems, and what we can do when we combine our healthcare workers to create a team with nothing but the wellbeing of the people of PNG in mind. I will do it all over again as soon as I can. Absolutely loved my time as part of the No Roads - Health team. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.' - Bianca Di Sciascio (RN - Victoria)


Hard to sum up the experience using words. It was much more than I could have anticipated. The local hospitality, generosity, warmth and good will shown to us was amazing and unexpected. The wonderful scenery and lushness of the villages made a wonderful backdrop for the outdoor clinics. I didn't expect to have withdrawal symptoms when I came home! I'm hooked and can't wait to go back. - Fiona (RN / RM - Western Australia)


“Stewart no words can describe my experience. Hands down the best thing I have done and I've done a lot! …..! Thanks for a bril trip x” Katie (RN - Western Australia)


“Words cannot explain how incredible the past week has been. I can't thank the No Roads Health team enough for allowing me to be part of their mission to improve healthcare and its accessibility to the remote areas of PNG. We treated over 400 people assisting in the vaccination of over 80 children, conducted over 80 eye tests and provided general healthcare and promotion. The difference we made in eight days to so many lives is such a rewarding feeling!” Elysha (RN – Victoria)


“This trip to PNG changed my life in a way that I cannot even describe! I feel so blessed that we as a team were able to touch the lives of 430+ beautiful people. I cannot wait to get back over there in the future and do it all again” Hannah (Student Nurse - Victoria)




Since Papua New Guinea gained its independence from Australia back in 1975, the country’s healthcare has been a major issue. It has had some of the worst maternal mortality rates in the world, high infant mortality rates and a low ratio of healthcare workers to population.

Thankfully, this is beginning to change, and more focus on community healthcare programmes is increasing awareness and improving education around the issue. That’s why No Roads Expeditions is delighted to support DFAT, PNG health authorities and partner NGO's to help make a difference.

The Kokoda Track is a place of great national significance, having been the site of a major battle between Australian troops and the invading Japanese army in 1942. It’s a poignant and emotive place that weighs heavy with memories of hardship and sorrow. Hopefully, we can remember this past but also be part of creating a better future for those who live in remote areas of PNG.

The No Roads - Health expedition aims to introduce healthcare professionals into remote local villages, providing general medical care while passing on knowledge and skills to local people. The education is centred around maternal and infant health, wound and infection management, and nutrition. 

The expedition differs from other projects in that this is not a short-term goal. Our aim is to provide a consistent, coordinated approach that delivers real outcomes over time. It aims to consult local communities and work with them in the most effective way possible. Most importantly the project is ongoing, with approximately three to four expeditions each year visiting communities now and into the future.


Our Coastal expedition visits the villages amongst the magical fjords of the Tufi District using boats as our main mode of transport. There is little trekking on this expedition but the hot and humid climate still makes the trip physically challenging.

Sponsorship -

Every team member who takes part in a No Roads - Health Expedition is eligible for sponsorship from the No Roads Expeditions Foundation (Australia) Ltd. We actively support and encourage team members to fundraise for their trip in order to reduce the financial burden on themselves and promote awareness of the health needs of the people in remote rural areas of PNG.

Every enrolled guest on the trip is also eligible for a discounted pair of shoes and sandals from KEEN, thanks to their very generous sponsorship and support.


To learn more about the No Roads - Health program please visit our Project Page where we have a latest news blog, links to recent expedition reports, more information about our mission and objectives and much more.


Our mission -

To work in a spirit of collaboration and undertake projects in remote areas that improve the lives of disadvantaged people by building community capacity.

Administration - 

All participants will be required to have a valid Australian passport, PNG Visa, be responsible for their own medical inoculations and have travel insurance relevant to PNG for the duration of the expedition. You will also need to sign a Trekker Agreement which is included in the Welcome Pack and outlines your responsibilities. 

Please note that you will be in a rural environment in PNG with no electricity and limited facilities.  The target audience will be PNG villagers, some with limited English (we will work through interpreters) and little to no education.

Each guest of a No Roads - Health expedition will be responsible for self-funding or fundraising their own expedition costs.  This will be supported by the No Roads - Health Team.

An expedition Polo shirt will be supplied to all guests to wear whilst travelling and to wear during clinics.

Domestic flights & all PNG logistical arrangements will be facilitated by No Roads Expeditions including the procurement of food, accommodation etc as per the itinerary.

A detailed list of what each participant should take will be provided to each member in their Welcome Pack. 


Day 1 - Sunday - Arrive in POM and overnight 

Day 2 - Monday (Early AM) - Fly to Tufi, pack all consumables for the week ahead, overnight Tufi Resort 

Day 3 - Tuesday  - Boat to Tumari Bay (B1) with packed lunch (L1), Clinic for Tumari / Berubona and overnight Tumari  

Day 4 - Wednesday - Boat to Sinei or Vovo (B2) for am clinic, boat to Tufi Resort (B3) for late lunch, PM - Visit Tufi Health Centre and restock, boat to Garewa (B4) for overnight

Day 5 - Thursday- Boat to Marassa (B5 - with packed lunch- L2) for am clinic, boat to Awanae (B6-Tomlins) for overnight 

Day 6 - Friday  - Boat to Utukwaf (B7) for am clinic then to Jebo (B8) for late lunch and overnight

Day 7 - Saturday - AM clinic at Orotoaba, lunch, PM clinic at Jebo and overnight 

Day 8 - Sunday - Boat to Tufi (B9) for returning goods, restocking, finalising statistics and reports, lunch and afternoon off followed by final dinner and overnight at Tufi Dive Resort

Day 9 - Monday (Early AM) - Flights Tufi - Port Moresby – Australia.

A huge day of travel home to Australia by commercial aircraft (no more boats).

(Please note this itinerary may be subject to slight change depending on local conditions / flights etc) 




Coastal Expedition -

A message from Stewart Kreltszheim, Expedition Coordinator & Expedition Guide :

" I went to Tufi on the coast of PNG for a relaxing holiday and quickly realised that No Roads - Health needed to return here.  Whereas the villages of The Kokoda Track are isolated by rugged terrain, these villages are denied health care by vast expanses of water which are susceptible to strong winds and rough seas.  The Health Centre in this region cannot cope with the demand placed on them with their limited resources and they, along with the villages, were hopeful that we could replicate what we have done in the highlands in this beautiful coastal region."

This is not a hard trekking expedition - the team will travel to many of the villages by boat / canoe as there are "No Roads"!!! 

This expedition is rated Grade 2 - Moderate





  • Accommodation in PNG - POM / Tufi Resort / Village Stays
  • Domestic flights (in PNG)
  • All meals on expedition 
  • Medical / Nursing Registration within PNG
  • A No Roads Expeditions Guide
  • A No Roads - Health Clinical Team Leader
  • All transfers
  • Team Polo shirt


  • Travel Insurance
  • International Flights (depending on sponsorship)
  • Meals at airports while travelling
  • Beverages
  • General spending money
  • Visa




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