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Advance to Kokoda Reenactment

  • Reenacment Kokoda 6
  • Reenacment Kokoda 3
  • Reenacment Kokoda 2
  • Reenacment Kokoda 4
  • Kokoda
  • Reenacment Kokoda 5
  • Reenacment Kokoda 7
  • Reenacment Kokoda 8
  • Reenacment Kokoda 9

Why we love this trip!

  • Undertake a journey that recreates exactly the journey taken in 1942
  • Be part of a real recreation of this journey over the Owen Stanley Ranges
  • Wear the same clothing, eat the same food and camp at the same sites as A Company
  • Escorted by Guides that have done this trek before and who will relive the history with you
  • Supported by our PNG National team who will also dress and act as they did in 1942
  • This is a true immersive experience of the Kokoda Track


On the 24th of July 1942, A Company of the 39th Australian Infantry Battalion started their arduous trek across the Kokoda Track. The Japanese had just landed at Buna and Gona and as such this fresh young group of men would be some of the first to encounter this formidable enemy. Join us on a true reenactment of this march as we dress, eat and live exactly how A Company did on their journey over the Owen Stanley Ranges. We will kit you out in replica uniforms (including boots) and give you the same rations they had as we immerse you in the real history of this trek.


On the 24th of July 1942 seventy six years ago, A Company of the 39th Australian Infantry Battalion started their arduous trek across the Kokoda Track to join their mates from B Company, already in position on the northern side of the Owen Stanley Ranges having secured the Kokoda area in readiness for an expected Japanese attack.

Join us on a true reenactment of this Advance to Kokoda as we dress, eat and live exactly how A Company did on their journey over the Owen Stanley Ranges. We will kit you out in replica uniforms (including boots) and give you the same rations they had as we immerse you in the real history of this trek.

Please note this expedition is scheduled to match the real dates A Coy departed back in 1942. Trek: 24 July to 4 August 2018

As we follow in the footsteps 76 years later, the story of the Kokoda Campaign will be brought together by Shane Chisholm and Justin Kibell who were part of the original reenactment of B Company March to Kokoda in July 2017. These stories combined with you the participant wearing the same clothing and equipment as the 39th did, will certainly add a new dimension to trekking Kokoda.

As you make your way over the Track you will open reproduction letters (taken from the originals) sent from the troops and received by the troops. You will wear ‘dog tags’ and carry with you a replica pay book in the name of one of the soldiers who made the journey 76 years ago. Both items will are yours to keep and will enable you to have a greater understanding of what our troops went through.  

The reproduction uniforms and equipment have been sourced from specialist manufactures and are exact reproductions of the originals. They will come in your size and be sent to you prior to the trip. This will include your pack, water bottle, sleeping equipment, boots etc. All you need to bring with you is a bucket load of Aussie spirit as we undertake the ultimate pilgrimage to remember those who fought and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our nation in 1942.


Day 1 - arrive Port Moresby then transfer to our Hotel
Day 2 - move by truck to McDonald's Corner where we start trek to Uberi via Owers' Corner
Day 3 - trek from Uberi to Ioribaiwa
Day 4 - trek from Ioribaiwa to war time Nauro (later New Nauro moved up out of the valley)
Day 5 - trek from war time Nauro to war time Efogi
Day 6 - trek from war time Efogi to war time Kagi
Day 7 - trek from war time Kagi to Eora Crossing (later named Templeton's Crossing)
Day 8 - trek from Eora Crossing to Isurava
Day 9 - trek from Isurava to Deniki
Day 10 - trek from Deniki to Kokoda Village and stay overnight
Day 11 - fly back to Port Moresby, tour Bomana War Cemetery and return to our Hotel
Day 12 - homeward bound

Note: This Itinerary is indicative and may change due to local conditions.

For those that do not wish to share accommodation in Port Moresby, a Single Supplement of $380 will apply. 

No Roads Expeditions also has a dedicated Kokoda website. With over 100 pages of information, this is an invaluable source of information for those trekking the Kokoda Track. Click on the kokodaexpeditions.com

INSURANCE: It is mandatory for you to have appropriate insurance for this expedition. Click here to obtain an online quote. 


You will be provided with a combination of replica and real items from 1942 including the slouch hat, cotton shirt, pattern 37 pouches and webbing, shorts, woolen sock, gaiters and leather boots. We will send you the leather boots months ahead so you can wear them in. You will also be given wet weather gear and you will be required to carry your own food and accommodation. A detailed document will be supplied on your booking.


Our meals on the Track will consist of exactly what A Company ate including Bully Beef and Biscuits. In late 1942, new ration types replaced the "bully beef and biscuits" standard ration, and included tinned fruit, dried potatoes, sausages, vegetables, jam, butter and beans. Dehydrated mutton was also a standard ration and was considered one of the finest foods of the campaign. Not so bad really. You will carry your own rations for this expedition. 


    * From Owers' Corner to Kokoda as the crow flies is about 60km
    * The Kokoda track between these two points is 94-km
    * One trekker recorded over 25,000 steps on his pedometer in one day
    * If you total all the uphill climbing along the track, it comes to more than 5500m of elevation gain
    * The best section is between Menari and Kagi, although the nicest forests are found at the higher elevations between Kagi Gap and Templeton's Crossing
    * The highest point on the track is 2190m


Day 1 - Tue 24 July 2018

  • Welcome to PNG. You will be met at Jackson's International Airport in Port Moresby and transferred to Sogeri Lodgeor Koitaki Country Club after a short trip along the Hubert Murray Highway which follows the Laloki River. After settling in you will receive a pre-expedition briefing and short history presentation followed by a kit inspection. Later today you will be introduced to our expert guides and porter team, who will be our carriers for the duration of the journey. They will set up camp, carry our food, tents and safety equipment and ensure we have a safe and enjoyable crossing of the Kokoda Track. (D)

Day 2 - Wed 25 July 2018

  • Today we begin our trek with a short drive in a truck (soldier style) to McDonald’s Corner. We will then start trekking in the footsteps of A Company, 39th Battalion, walking from McDonald’s Corner to Owers’ Corner. After a short rest we will head downhill and cross the Goldie River. The remainder of our trek today involves moving a short way across the valley to Uberi  where we will establish a bush camp and spend our first night on the trail. (B, L, D)

Day 3 - Thu 26 July 2018

  • Up and over the first major climb - Imitia Ridge. As we head down into the valley we make multiple crossings of Ua-Ule Creek. Now for another climb up to Ioribaiwa Ridge, furthest most point of Japanese advance. It will be a real test in the leather boots and a stomach full of 1942 rations. (B, L, D)

Day 4 - Fri 27 July 2018

  • Leaving Ioribaiwa we will drop down to Ofi Creek and then up and over the Maguli Range into the valley below to where the original village of Nauro was located in 1942. Some tough climbs today with a very steep climb out of Ofi Creek. (B, L, D)

Day 5 -  Sat 28 July 2018

  • Today we will leave wartime Nauro and make our way to wartime Efogi. It will be a tough climb up and over the ‘Wall” through the village of Menari and up a long slow climb to Brigade Hill. On Brigade Hill we will perform a Memorial Service. From there we will head down along Mission Ridge  to wartime Efogi for a bush camp. (B, L, D)

Day 6 - Sun 29 July 2018

  • Today you will hike Efogi to Kagi. Many of the carriers in our party are from Kagi Village. We will follow the old wartime mail route and walk along areas that many others treks simply bypass, on our quest to walk in the wartime footsteps of the 39th. (B, L, D)

Day 7 - Mon 30 July 2018

  • Today we walk from Kagi to what was then known as Eora Crossing No. 2. Its a long walk today crossing over the Mt. Bellamy range (sometimes referred to as the "Kokoda Gap") and then down into the Eora Creek valley below. The scenery changes dramatically to rain forest and "lawyer vines", moss covered rocks and trees and can be cold and dreary when raining. Let’s hope that period looking set of boots stand up to the test of the Kokoda Track, as they did back in 1942! (B, L, D)

Day 8 - Tue 31 July 2018

  • Today we leave Eora Crossing No 2 to continue on through Eora Creek and up to Isurava where the main memorial now stands where we will camp tonight. Back in 1942 these areas had not yet become hallowed ground however your Expedition Guides will bring to life all of the battles that were fought on the Kokoda Track as you make your journey across the Owen Stanley Range. At Isurava we will perform a Memorial Service. (B, L, D)

Day 9 - Wed 1 August 2018

  • Our second last day of trekking will move us from Isurava along a downhill trending track to Deniki where we will camp overlooking the Yodda Valley and the Kokoda plateau. This location is where A Coy met their mates in B Coy desperately in need of reinforcements, tired and hungry from just over a week of defensive actions against the Japanese. (B, L, D)

Day 10 - Thu 2 August 2018

  • A short trek from Deniki to Kokoda Village down through the jungle and out into the area where the rubber plantations were grown during the war. Our final destination of Kokoda - after walking all the way from McDonald’s Corner in period uniforms and using period equipment. After dropping our packs and making camp, we will tour the Kokoda Plateau area visiting the area where the first and second battles for Kokoda occurred, view the plaques in the museum and see the Kokoda airstrip which was so dearly fought after by both sides. At Kokoda we will perform a Memorial Service. (B, L, D) 

Day 11 - Fri 3 August 2018

  • Today we leave the Kokoda Plateau and move north along the same route that many of the B Company men first encountered the advancing Japanese. We will board our aircraft. Smelly and dishevelled in our khaki uniforms, a cold beer awaits back at the Holiday Inn. We have completed our walk over the Kokoda Track 76 years after the first troops of the A Coy, 39th did. We will tour Bomana War Cemetery just out of Port Moresby which will be a very emotional and memorable experience, especially for those of us who walked in the footsteps of soldiers that died as their graves are located in this cemetery. Later that night we will have a presentation dinner and hand out a special commemorative medallion in recognition of the recreation of this historic journey. (B,L,D)

Day 12 - Sat 4 August 2018

  • Today we check out of our hotel and return to Australia. (B)

Note: This Itinerary is indicative and may change due to local conditions.


  • Australian Trek Manager, Guide and Local Guide for the entire expedition
  • Use of period uniform, boots, back pack, equipment. Sent to you prior to the trek. Boots are yours to keep.
  • All meals on expedition which will  include tinned fruit, dried potatoes, sausages, vegetables, jam, butter and beans. Dehydrated mutton was also a standard ration and was considered one of the finest foods of the campaign.
  • All domestic schedule flights within PNG
  • Satellite phone for emergency purposes
  • AED Defibrillator on all Australian Led trip
  • Government Taxes (except visa charge and civil aviation terminal facilities charge) 
  • All transfers including those from the airport and from Owers Corner
  • Visit Bomana War Cemetery
  • Nutritious and delicious food for Porter team who deserve the best.
  • All accommodation outside of Port Moresby in true WWII style
  • Kokoda Track Permit
  • Hand selected porter team 
  • 1 to 1 Porter-Client ratio
  • rubbish Porter that takes all our rubbish and other operators rubbish from the Track
  • 2 nights accommodation in Port Moresby twin share
  • VHF Radio contact with Port Moresby, Kokoda and 10 other Track villages for emergency purposes. 
  • No Roads Expedition T-shirt
  • Urine and health chart
  • Access to your Australian Guide for advise prior to the expedition
  • Access to FREE weekend walks before and after the expedition



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