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No Roads Education Trek

  • No Roads Education 3
  • No Roads Education 8
  • No Roads Education 5
  • No Roads Education 11
  • No Roads Education 9
  • No Roads Education 1
  • No Roads Education 2
  • No Roads Education 4
  • No Roads Education 7
  • No Roads Education 6


There is nothing more rewarding than volunteering ….. That is exactly what this No Roads Education group discovered.

At first, every adventure is always about ourselves and what we want from it. Then you realise that there are others out there amongst us that need our help. During World War II, the people of Papua New Guinea were there to help in Australia’s time of need. Affectionately known as the Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels, they fought beside us and supported our Australian soldiers, carrying our sick and injured to safety. Now is their time of need.

A developing country, PNG needs support and an improved standard of education is a vital key to helping them. This group of amazing people answered the call to help those living along the Kokoda Track, to provide help where it is needed most.

Currently in PNG, only 2% of students that begin school go onto to finish year 12. This shocking figure results in a poor literacy rate with only 60% of the adult population able to read and write. The statistics are worse in remote regions where there is limited access to support. No Roads Education gathered extensive data over the past 18 months to ensure that what was delivered met the identified needs of the teachers working in schools along the Kokoda Track. Coming through very clearly, professional development was identified as their greatest need.

Through consultation with the teachers, No Roads Education designed a professional development program to address the needs specifically identified by the teachers. Needs that can be used and implemented in the schools straight away. For this program to be beneficial, No Roads Education needed teachers to deliver this professional development. Enter the amazingly talented Australian team - Anna, Cindy, Hayley, Mina, Peter, Robyn, Ray and Dan. Eight professionals that wanted to be part of a volunteering holiday, generously giving their time to work in the schools with the students and teachers, to improve the education and lives of the locals. Volunteer teachers who could deliver lessons, share new ideas and initiatives in real classroom setting in this remote region of PNG. Volunteer teachers who had the passion to share their knowledge to improve the lives of others.

The team were welcomed with open arms into each communities and school that they visited, experiencing welcoming ceremonies that were fit for royalty, the best facilities to stay in, and food cooked for us by the locals. Every village brought new surprises and there was never a down moment as people offered to take us on tours of the village and surroundings and share their world with us. There was laughter and big smiles from kids right through to the village elders, a sign of respect and appreciation for the generosity of strangers who had now become friends. An amazing immersion in culture that could only be experienced by working with and living among the locals in these remote communities.

It was one of those trips that you really just don’t want to end. At each school we visited, the teachers wanted us to stay longer. The children were keen to keep playing games and activities with us. Clearly, a lasting impression was made by the amazing No Roads Education team and vice versa. Memories were made, friendships were formed and the No Roads Education wheel was set in motion - now it’s full steam ahead in delivering sustainable education solutions to the people of PNG. A trip that was successful beyond our wildest expectations.


The Problem

Progress in PNG’s education status has declined since 1975 when it gained its independence from Australia.

  • Less than 2% of students that begin Grade 1 will go on to complete Year 12.
  • Over half a million children are not in school
  • Papua New Guinea has a ratio of 3 primary school teachers per 1,000 children
  • 29% of children in PNG are not enrolled in primary school
  • Only 23% of the rural population enrol in secondary education
  • 40% of PNG’s population live below the poverty line.

A long term sustainable solution to this problem is development of the state of the art training institute The Kokoda College: School of Education. This is PNG’s leading pre­service teacher­training facility preparing urgently needed teachers for across the country. The College offers a bespoke 40­week teacher­training course as opposed to the PNG standard of 6­weeks. Teachers who graduate from Kokoda College are better equipped to teach in rural and remote locations and provide children with superior educational outcomes.

However, in the meantime people living in the remote villages of PNG need support, specifically schools, teachers and children.


The Solution

No Roads Education, a project part of No Roads Foundation are injecting (at a minimum, twice a year) into remote villages, a team of educational professionals with skill sets specific to fulfill the needs of the communities surrounding Kagi, Efogi & Menari (Central villages along the Kokoda Track).

This team will provide professional development to local teachers and work with students in schools at the same time. Education and training will be focused on:

  • English
  • Phonics
  • Best classroom practice
  • Introduction of new PNG Dept of Education curriculum
  • Various key learning areas needs specific to staff and schools

Volunteers/ Participants will support, mentor and provide training to the local teachers who are currently working in the schools on the Kokoda Track. No Roads Education uses a ‘just in time’ approach to professional development being delivered. This ensures that the content being delivered to teachers in PNG is of high priority and will be used in classrooms straight away.


How Is This Different To All Other Educational Missions To PNG?

There are many people and some organisations travelling to PNG to help with educational issues facing the nation. Unfortunately, these efforts are often short term, uncoordinated and in some cases not really needed.

No Roads Education is fundamentally different. We have teamed up with aid agencies, local education authorities and other non government organisations who are attempting to deliver outcomes in PNG but may be lacking our resources and logistical capabilities. This programme has had an extensive needs analysis done prior to its creation and all the communities in which we work have been thoroughly consulted.

You will be part of an ongoing, fully administered programme, so you can be assured that the work you are doing is coordinated and working towards sustainable success for the locals of PNG.


Our Mission

To provide sustainable educational solutions for the benefit of the people of Papua New Guinea.

Administration : All participants will be required to have a valid Australian passport, PNG Visa, be responsible for their own medical inoculations and have travel insurance relevant to PNG for the duration of the expedition. You will also need to sign Trekker Agreement which outlines your responsibilities. 

It will be necessary to be cognisant of the fact that we will be in a rural environment in PNG with no electricity and limited facilities.  The target audience will be PNG villagers with limited English (we will work through interpreters) and little to no education.

Each participant / client of a No Roads Education expedition will be responsible for self-funding or fundraising their own expedition costs.  This will be supported by the No Roads Education Team.

An expedition shirt will be designed and supplied to all participants.

Flights & all PNG logistical arrangements will be facilitated by NO ROADS Expeditions including the procurement of porters, food, accommodation etc.

A detailed list of what each participant should take will be provided to each member of the expedition 3 months prior to the expedition dates.


8 Day Trip Only just over 1 week of teacher school holidays!

Day 1 (Saturday)­ Travel From Australia to Port Moresby The expedition team will travel together (where possible) to Port Moresby, PNG. The Education Trek Coordinator will act as host and coordinate travel to Port Moresby (POM). The team will be met at POM Airport by the Expedition Guide and be transferred to the Holiday Inn. That afternoon the team will rest, relax, have dinner and undertake a formal pre­expedition briefing. (overnight at the Holiday Inn)

Day 2 (Sunday) Flight from POM to Efogi Breakfast at 5:30am and then leave for Port Moresby Airport where we will board our charter flight to Efogi. This 30 minute flight will take us over the Owen Stanley Ranges and much of the Kokoda Track, where our troops fought the battle during WW2. We land in Efogi and will meet our porter team. After organising our gear we will walk to Kagi, a four hour tough haul along the Kokoda Track. When we arrive we will have lunch and a village familiarisation induction. We will meet the local teachers and see the school facilities we are working in the following day. A briefing session for the following day's work will also be had.

Day 3 (Monday)­ Teaching at Kavovo Primary School After breakfast we will walk (15 mins) down to the Kavovo Primary School (Grades 3 to 8). Teachers will work one on one with local teachers in a classroom setting for the day. The students will be in classrooms at 9:00am. Normal recess and lunch times will be observed. School will finish at 3pm. A debrief session for all teachers/ volunteers will be conducted. A short afternoon walk to Naduri Village will allow for people to see more of the Kokoda Track. A briefing session for tomorrow's events and a local cultural talk will be held in the evening.

Day 4 (Tuesday)­ Teaching at Kavovo Primary School & Trek to Efogi After breakfast we will walk (15 mins) down to the Kavovo Primary School again. Teachers will work one on one with local teachers in a classroom setting for the day. The students will be in classrooms at 9:00am. Normal recess and lunch times will be observed. After an early lunch we will trek to Efogi, a four hour walk. When we arrive we will have lunch and a village familiarisation induction. We will meet the local teachers and see the school facilities we are working in the following day. A briefing session for the following day's work will also be had.

Day 5 (Wednesday)­ Teaching at Efogi Primary School After breakfast we will walk (5 mins) to the Efogi Primary School (Grades 3 to 8). Teachers will work one on one with local teachers in a classroom setting for the day. The students will be in classrooms at 9:00am. Normal recess and lunch times will be observed. School will finish at 3pm. A debrief session for all teachers/ volunteers will be conducted. A briefing session for tomorrow's events and a local cultural talk will be held in the evening.

Day 6 (Thursday) Trek Efogi to Menari (via Brigade Hill) An early morning start will see us have breakfast and begin a walk to Menari. We will follow the path of the soldiers in 1942 and the war history delivered to us. We will stop at Brigade Hill, where one of the biggest battles on the Kokoda Track ensued. Here we will conduct a memorial service and have lunch. The afternoon will see us walk downhill to a fresh mountain stream for a swim then onto Menari village. When we arrive we will have lunch and a village familiarisation induction. We will meet the local teachers and see the school facilities we are working in the following day. A briefing session for the following day's work will also be had.

Day 7 (Friday)­ Teaching at Menari Primary School & Flight from Menari to POM After breakfast we will walk (5 mins) to the Menari Primary School (Grades 3 to 8). Teachers will work one on one with local teachers in a classroom setting for the day. The students will be in classrooms at 9:00am. Normal recess and lunch times will be observed. School will finish at 3pm. We will then fly back to Port Moresby in the afternoon via a charter flight and stay in the Holiday Inn Hotel. A trip review and post trek dinner/ drinks celebration will finish the day off

Day 8 (Saturday)­ Travel from Port Moresby to Australia Our international flights back to Australia will take place today, depending on your destination, your departure times may vary.


  • 2 nights accommodation at the Holiday Inn, Port Moresby
  • Charter flight for Port Moresby to Efogi
  • Charter flight from Menari to Port Moresby
  • Track Permits and Camp Fees
  • All meals while on the Track
  • Continental Breakfasts in Port Moresby
  • Teacher registration in PNG
  • Induction program before the expedition
  • 1 x No Roads Expeditions Australian Trek Guide
  • 1 x ‘No Roads Education’ Coordinator
  • All transfers in Papua New Guinea
  • Local Guide
  • Porter Team
  • No Roads Education team shirt Exclusions
  • Snack Pack


  • Travel Insurance
  • International Flights
  • Meals while in Port Moresby except breakfast which is included in your expedition fee
  • Beverages
  • General spending money
  • Visa


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