Phone : +61 3 9598 8581

Kokoda Back to Back

  • Kokoda 7
  • Kokoda 10
  • Kokoda 2
  • Kokoda 3
  • Kokoda 5
  • Kokoda 6

Why we love this trip!

-Undertake something that will push your body and spirit to new levels
-Understand what happened during WWII
-This must be one of the hardest challenges around
-Amazing terrain and river crossings (great swimming) 
-Walk through the most pristine rain forests in the world 
-Meet some of the most wonderful people on the planet



Tim Hazell has been training people for special events for over 6 years. Whether it is a marathon or the summit of Kilimanjaro, Tim knows what it takes to get you physically and mentally fit for the task.

Kokoda Back to Back is no exception. Tim will use his substantial experience of the Track to prepare you in every way possible to accomplish this amazing challenge. Along with our great local team, Tim will give you the best chance to fulfill your goal with pre-expedition training sessions, as well as motivation during event.

This awesome adventure is limited to 12 people. Don't miss out.


The "Great Pilgrimage" has now become a whole lot harder. Not only will we walk the Track in 6 days, but when we reach the end, we will turn around and head back to where we started.

This 15 day adventure (13 on the Kokoda Track), has got to be one of the greatest physical and mental challenges around. We will walk from Owers Corner, through rugged, steep and muddy terrain towards Kokoda Village. Not unlike the 39th Battalion, 70 years before us, we will challenge our mental and physical fitness. After 6 days, we will reach Kokoda Station. It is here that most people board their flight back to Port Moresby.

But not us.! We will have 1 night at Kokoda, resupply, and turn back towards Port Moresby. Again, this will be similar to what the 39th suffered as the Japanese quickly advanced across the Kokoda Track. After another 6 days of rugged terrain, we will arrive at Owers Corner, 13 days after we began our epic journey.

Needless to say, this expedition is an ultimate challenge and one that must be taken seriously. You will be supported by our professional team of guides and porters, you will have fresh meals prepared for you along the way and your safety will not be compromised as we will have 24 hour support back in Port Moresby and Australia through radio and satellite phone connections.

If you burn to be pushed to your limits and need a challenge few would ever comprehend taking on, then our Kokoda Back to Back is for you.


Day 1 : Arrive in POM and transfer to the Holiday Inn. Briefing by you team leader Tim Hazel.

Day 2 : Transfer to Owers Corner early and start trek to Vuale Creek (B,L,D)

Day 3 : Vuale to Menari (B,L,D)

Day 4 : Menari to Kagi (B,L,D)

Day 5 : Kagi to Templetons 1 (B,L,D)

Day 6 : Templetons to Alola (B,L,D)

Day 7 : Alola to Kokoda (B,L,D)

Day 8 : Kokoda to Deniki (B,L,D)

Day 9 : Deniki to Eora Creek (B,L,D)

Day 10 : Eora Creek to Kagi (B,L,D)

Day 11 : Kagi to Menari (B,L,D)

Day 12 : Menari to Ofi Creek (B,L,D)

Day 13 : Ofi to Good Water (B,L,D)

Day 14 : Good Water to Owers Corner and Port Moresby (B,L)

Day 15 : POM to Home (B)

For those that do not wish to share accommodation throughout the trip, a Single Supplement of $360 will apply.

No Roads Expeditions also has a dedicated Kokoda website. With over 100 pages of information, this is an invaluable source of information for those trekking the Kokoda Track. Click on the kokodaexpeditions.com


Part of the package is an extensive training program with Tim Hazell. Tim Hazell is an accomplished Kokoda Guide and Personal Trainer. Tim launched ProSport Health & Fitness in Melbourne after a 5 year AFL career. He has over 12 years experience in the health and fitness industry with a Diploma in Fitness and Degree in Rehab & First Aid. He has led groups to Everest BC & Kokoda, taken groups to Bali for Boot Camps & recently ran the New York marathon.

Here is what you will get: 

  • 8 x 4 hour Outdoor training walks
  • 4 x leg /core / upper body circuit sessions
  • 8 week written training program to follow
  • Access to boxing & strength sessions at the ProSport HPTC during the months of September, October & November 
  • Chat session about what to expect / the track / itinerary / equipment etc
  • Hat / T shirt
  • 1 x education session on packing, the trip details, what to expect & how we are going to prepare


The Porters we use are the life blood of our business in PNG. Not only do they carry your food and equipment, but many have intimate knowledge of the areas we are traveling through. They are very interesting people who, at night, cook our meals and entertain us. If you or a group of you would like to hire a personal Porter for your expedition, this can be arranged. For the 13 days, a personal Porter costs an extra AUD$1080.  Employing an extra Porter does not mean that your struggle along the Kokoda track is any less meaningful. You are helping a local with a job and you will probably enjoy the Track that much more.


Our food is one of the biggest differences between us and other operators. We do not get you to carry the food and we do not supply baked beans and 2 minute noodles for every meal. We cook up curries, vegetarian pastas, damper, prawn crackers, fried rice and the list goes on. We get you to help prepare it with the porters so that you can engage them in conversation and build a bond otherwise not obtained.

Another feature of this expedition is that we try to maximise the economic benefits from your presence to the village people living in villages along the Track. This provides incentives for villagers to offer a good standard of service to trekking parties as well as a vital source of income to pay for medicine, education and transportation.

As an ecotourism company we are always looking for ways to maximise the benefits of tourism to the people living in the local area. Our tour uses experienced guides and porters recruited from all along the Track. And much of the food you will eat along the way is supplied by village people en route. This not only gives the villagers a market for their vegetable crops but gives you a wonderful opportunity to try out local foods. Food purchased locally includes pineapple, bananas, potatoes and pumpkins as well as eggs.

Camp breakfast is billy tea/milo/coffee with damper and porridge or Weetbix and Corn Flakes with powdered milk. Camp lunch is noodles, cuppa soups, biscuits and cheese.

We also provide you with 13 days of electrolyte replacement such as Hydralyte, to replace fluids and essential electrolytes. This process helps prevent muscle seizures and cramps.

Finally, we provide you with 13 days of snacks that will help you from meal to meal. These consist of muesli bars, energy bars and more.


    * From Owers' Corner to Kokoda as the crow flies is about 60km
    * The Kokoda track between these two points is 94-km
    * One trekker recorded over 25,000 steps on his pedometer in one day
    * If you total all the uphill climbing along the track, it comes to more than 5500m of elevation gain
    * The best section is between Menari and Kagi, although the nicest forests are found at the higher elevations between Kagi Gap and Templeton's Crossing

    * The highest point on the track is 2190m


-An Australian and Local Guide for the entire expedition
-Electrolyte supplement such as Hydralyte for expedition portion
-Satellite phone for emergency purposes
-AED Defibrillator on all Australian Led trip
-Free access to Facebook postings WHILE on the expedition
-River rescue team and procedures
-Government Taxes (except visa charge and civil aviation terminal facilities charge) 
-Shower tent to wash with soap and protect the environment. Hot showers are available.
- 14 breakfasts, 13 lunches, 13 dinners. Meals on expedition include Curries and Pasta. (Dietary requirements can be incorporated)
-All transfers including those from the airport and from Owers Corner
-Visit Bomana War Cemetery
-Food for Porters including rice, noodles, biscuits, bully beef, milo and vegetables
-All accommodation outside of Port Moresby 
-Kokoda Track Permit
-Guides and porters (who carry all group equipment, food, set up tents etc)
-1 to 1 Porter-Client ratio
-A rubbish Porter that takes all our rubbish and other operators rubbish from the Track
-Tent hire and floor mats.
-2 nights accommodation in Port Moresby twin share (4 star Holiday Inn : the best in Port Moresby)
-Snack Pack for each expedition day to get you between meals
-VHF Radio contact with Port Moresby, Kokoda and 10 other Track villages for emergency purposes. 
-No Roads Expedition T-shirt
-Urine and health chart
-Access to your Australian Guide for advise prior to the expedition
-3 months ProSport Health and Fitness training



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