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Survivor PNG

Why we love this trip!

  • Explore your mental toughness and physical aptitude as it will be up to you to build a shelter, catch your food and find water.
  • Learn these skills to survive in the jungle from the people who do it every day, our local team.
  • Experience team dynamics in a stressful situation and appreciate how this can completely change peoples outlooks on life and work.
  • Be one of the first people to experience this unique journey


Everything happened so fast. One minute you and your group were walking a jungle trail of PNG and the next minute the earth fell away from under your feet. For a moment you felt weightless and then you crashed to the ground as the landslide drove you down the mountainside. All you could hear was the sloshing of water and the crashing of trees. Occasionally, through the cacophony, you could hear voices coming and going, frantic and fearful. You grasp for an anchor, anything that will stop the slide.

Suddenly you are plunged into a wild river, bouncing from boulder to boulder, fighting just to stay above the water. When will this end? How will this end? You see a small beach and power your arms toward it. With one last thrust, you are out of the current and you crawl to shore, exhausted and out of breath. You look up. All you can see are towering trees, mountains and the wild river. No one is with you and you have no idea where you are. Will you be able to survive?


Welcome to Survivor PNG, not your typical adventure. The concept of Survivor PNG is to journey into your psychology, your mental toughness, by abandoning you in the jungles of Papua New Guinea and requiring you to make do with what that environment has to offer. You will go nowhere (so no point A to point B journey) as you will be stuck in the jungle. There will be no shelter, no water, no equipment to catch anything. For you to acquire these things, you will need to innovate, create and work together as a team.


That's right, there will be other Survivors in the jungle, all of them in the same situation as you. Which adds another dimension to the adventure. Together, you will have to build shelter, gather water and food and live together for over a week.


You will be cold. You will be hungry and thirsty. You will be exposed to the elements and to other people. This is a raw experience, one that will strip you of all your creature comforts and force you to step out of your comfort zone. 


Survivor PNG is not for everyone. This is not a trek where you will be looked after by a team of guides. It is not for those that want a holiday. It is for those that want to see how they would react in a disaster situation, those that want to see how far their minds and bodies can be pushed. 


Will you be completely alone? Not exactly! Joining you in the jungle will be a Survival Expert, someone who knows what to do and more importantly not what to do to survive. He will be there to guide you and maybe teach you a thing or two. He will be there to ensure you don't do anything that will endanger you or the group. He will be there 24 hours a day for the entire time in the jungle and he will be in full contact with our support team in case there is an emergency.


So the question is, "Are you up to the challenge?"


The actual location of the experience is secret however we can tell you that it is in Papua New Guinea.

The trip is a total of 13 days with 10 days in the jungle. The following is simply a guide as we would like to make the experience as authentic as possible.

Day 1: Arrive in PNG and transfer to your hotel. The briefing will be done in the evening.

Day 2: Today we will fly to a site near our experience where we will meet our Survival Expert

Day 3 - 10: Survivor PNG

Day 11 - 12: Rest and relax overnight at hotel.

Day 13: Fly home

Note: If this experience is too long why not check out our shorter 9 day PNG Survivor Escape?

What to expect:

Survivor PNG is a tough exploration of the human spirit. The place you will be stranded has everything you need to survive though at first impressions this is not the case.

You will need to create shelter, find water, find food and make fire. Sounds simple right? 

You will also need to ensure you are not exposed to the elements for too long. Nights can get very cold and when it rains it really rains.

However, all is not lost. You will have with you a Survival Expert (s) who can guide you. You also have the chance to find things that may assist you.

This is the physical side of the experience. All this will play on your psychology. Being exposed, hungry and thirsty will change your moods and test your resilience. It will push you to places you have never been before and you will discover another side of you that you may have not been aware of. This can be a positive experience but it can also be a confronting one too. Working with others during this time can be a challenge.

We will endeavour to make the experience as real as possible. We want you to be pushed physically and mentally because this is exactly what someone would experience if they too were stranded in the jungle.

Being prepared:

The question is how can I prepare for this? Each person will prepare differently. Some will do nothing and just take it as it comes. Others will enrol in a survival camp, to learn how to light a fire, how to collect water and catch food etc. Others will go to the internet for this information.

We recommend that you do what you think is needed to be prepared. Again, the assumption is that you didn't know the landslide was going to happen, so would you know how to survive with your current knowledge? It is up to you, there are no rules.

Medical clearance:

To participate in this experience you will need to get the all clear from your Doctor. A general physical is what is required. We need to know of any medical conditions well in advance of the experience. While having a heart condition for example wouldn't rule you out, if you are on medication for this then you would not be able to participate. The same applies for diabetics who need insuline etc. We cannot allow those that need ongoing medication on this experience as there is nowhere to store it in the jungle.

Emergency Procedures:

Your Survival Expert will have 24 hour access to our Emergency Team. If there is an emergency, we can have you out of the jungle within 2 hours and in a hospital by the next morning. You will need to take out appropriate travel insurance that covers medical evacuation and hospitalisation cover.

Before and after the Experience:

When you first arrive in PNG, we will take you to your hotel in Port Moresby. There you will be briefed on what is about to happen. You will have a chance to relax and eat and acclimatise. After the experience we will return to the same hotel to wash and recover before heading home. Thus you will need to bring a change of clothes when you come off the island and clothes for your flight home.

What can you bring into the jungle?:

There are no rules in this experience. The exact time of when you reach the jungle and when you are extracted from the jungle will not be completely clear. Thus, when you reach the jungle, whatever you have on you can be used there.

What is in the jungle?:

This we cannot completely tell you. What we can tell you is that there is enough food, water and items to construct a shelter. The rest you will find out on arrival.

Who is (are) the Survival Expert (s)?

We have travelled to many remote places over the years and discovered the best people prepared for any eventuality, who could live off the land, understand its eco system, were the local people we were trekking with. We will have with us a local PNG National who has lived in the area we are conducting the experience in. He has lived off the land all his life and knows how to catch dinner, construct shelter, build fire, access water and recognise any dangerous situation. He has been working with No Roads for over 10 years and understands the needs of participants. If there are more than 2 participants we will have another Survival Expert for the group.


  • Airport transfers to and from domestic/international terminals
  • Food and meals for all period in Port Moresby
  • 2 nights accommodation in Port Moresby
  • Visa (are free for Australia and NZ)
  • Chopper or fixed-wing transfer to Survivor PNG site
  • Survival Expert in the jungle 24x7
  • 24x7 communication with an emergency team


  • International flight
  • Personal expenses (soft drink, alcoholic beverages, entertainment, personal expenses, etc) 

