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Phone : +61 3 9598 8581

East Timor

Josh Redfern

Guide Kokoda / Timor Leste

Hi, I'm Josh, I've worked in adventure tourism for over twenty years, initially leading numerous tours in the Northern Territory and during the last twelve years leading treks with No Roads Expeditions on the Kokoda Track in PNG.

When I'm not in the PNG jungle I work with the emergency services in Victoria. For No Roads, I lead treks in both PNG and Timor Leste. They are both countries with amazing stories and breathtaking scenery.

Why do I enjoy working for No Roads Expeditions so much?  It's simple, I love working for an ethical trekking company, meeting the challenge of trek guiding and working with our fabulous PNG team.


Dean Opie

Guide Kokoda / Indonesia / Kilimanjaro

Being a No Roads Guide is as rewarding as a job can be. Along with the treks I take to Kokoda each year, through No Roads I have also taken groups to trek Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and Mt Rinjani on the Indonesian Island of Lombok, along with safaris through the Serengeti , Nile cruises in Egypt, and Kayaking around Flores in Indonesia to see the Komodo Dragons. I look forward to sharing a challenging, fascinating and unforgettable trek with all of you that are able to join me on our No Roads Adventure.


Adrian Manikas

Guide Kokoda / Nepal


Marc Stafford

Guide Kokoda / Indonesia


Peter Ranasinghe

Guide Kokoda

I first walked Kokoda in 2010 with a handful of my best mates. This was a true privilege for me, when you realise that you are literally "walking in the footsteps of heroes" it becomes an emotional journey for all. I knew instantly that I would soon return here and help others on their journey to accomplish their dreams and goals.

Whether you are looking at walking to honour a family member, to give thanks to the Diggers on sacred soil, or just to see if you can conquer the physical challenges that will be thrown at you along the way, the No Roads Expeditions Kokoda experience will be one you will remember your whole life.

Justin Kibell

Kokoda Operations Manager

My focus as an expedition guide is to ensure your trek is a real adventure; it is fun and rewarding, and above all safe and well organised. I look forward to the challenge each year in bringing people together who often don't know each other, to share an experience of a lifetime together, teasing out inner emotions and to conquer physical challenges, all whilst under the pressures of trekking in a tropical jungle. I am proud to be part of the No Roads Expeditions team and look forward to leading you on your next adventure!

In 2010 Justin received the No Roads Expeditions Guide of the Year Award.

Ruth Rampling

Guide Kokoda / Indonesia

I first walked Kokoda Track with NRE back in 2009 and found it to be a life changing experience. To gain a perspective of the history of Kokoda Track and the conditions experienced by our diggers is extremely humbling and emotional.  I have since climbed Mt Kilimanjaro (2012) in Africa and plan to climb Mt Rinjani in Indonesia July 2013.

I look forward to leading treks on the Kokoda Track and assisting my trekkers achieve their personal goals and experience this once in a lifetime adventure..

Drew Gordon

Guide Kokoda / Indonesia / Timor Leste

Andrew Johnson

Guide Kokoda

Pushing that mid point in life, you'll find my treks filled with fun, knowledge, some excellent "Dad" jokes, a bit of emotion (just harden up Andrew!), the professionalism that No Roads demands and a whole lot of life experience that is great to share.  I follow a great military tradition of "leading from the rear" but back there, we'll share in this amazing experience, I'll get you through and we'll all be the richer because of it.


Hadyn Hewitt

Guide Kokoda

I first trekked Kokoda in 2007 and from that moment was hooked on the spirituality of this sacred ground and the friendships I've formed with our PNG porters and my fellow Australian guides. I keep promising to do a different No Roads trek but Kokoda keeps drawing me back. My other travel adventures include: 41 countries, Gallipoli on Anzac Day, Hellfire Pass on Thai-Burma Railway, ran with the bulls in Pamplona, drank steins in Munich, skied a season in the Rockies, climbed mountains in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA and Africa (Mt Kilimanjaro 5,898 metres).


Barry Jenks

Guide Kokoda

Visiting the Kokoda Track allows me to indulge some passions including paying homage to the track legend and mixing it up with the beautiful Melanesian people and their culture. Battling my way through a bit of \"tok pisin\" (Pigin English) is something I really enjoy. I plan to keep walking the track as long as my legs, lungs and loved ones allow. Visiting the Kokoda Track is a privilege and a wonderful experience. I\'ll spend the rest of my days pestering as many people as I can to get over to PNG, meet our closest neighbours and walk the track. Lukim yu sumpela tiam. (see you some time).

Stewart Kreltszheim

Guide Kokoda / No Roads To Health

Stewart is the Project Manager the No Roads to Health project on behalf of the No Roads Foundation with a mission to partner with aid agencies to deliver targeted health activities which benefit the people of Papua New Guinea.

In 2012 Stewart received the No Roads Expeditions "Guide of the Year"  Award.The award firstly recognises the Stewart's consistently high level of service in his role as a guide and also it recognises his ongoing significant contribution to the promotion and development of No Roads Expeditions and its philosophies.

Dan Hogarth

Guide Kokoda / No Roads To Education

I have walked the Kokoda track with both school groups and public groups and have enjoyed them all. Learning about, and meeting new people is something I genuinely enjoy. Watching the value that individuals bring to the group along the journey on the Kokoda track is simply what the trek is all about.

George Buchorn

Guide Kokoda

What's a moment you have had on the Kokoda Track that you will never forget?
On one trek a lady was following in the foot steps of her father who fought with the 2nd/14th battalion. We were at an inoccuous junction and she asked where we were. i told her it is called Banana junction. She burst into tears. She said her father had mentioned this in his diary but they all thought it was a made up name and now, standing in that spot, it was suddenly very real and not just a story.

Andrew Flanagan

Guide Kokoda

I consider it an honour to work for an amazingly professional company like No Roads Expeditions. My dream job is to lead treks along the Kokoda Track every week of the year, telling the story of the amazing soldiers who fought along that piece of sacred Australian soil. When you walk with No Roads, you are honouring their sacrifice, and ensuring that the soldier's legacy lives on. Kokoda will challenge you, demanding everything that you have, and more. But it will also change you in so many ways. You will truly understand the meaning of the words 'courage', 'endurance', 'mateship' and 'sacrifice'.

Terence David

Guide Kokoda

Terence David was once a lead guide in PNG. Terrance however he has now advanced to be our No Roads Operations Manager, coordinating the porter team and ensuring all expeditions run smoothly and professionally.

From Kagi, Terrance has ambitions of getting into accounting via study through correspondence. While a young man, Terrance is a natural leader and we have great plans for his future at No Roads. Terrance has traveled to Australia several times and also climbed Mt Rinjani in Indonesia as part of the Porter Exchange Project.

Kate Johnson

Guide Kokoda

What do you enjoy most about being a Guide on the Kokoda Track?

It's difficult to say what I enjoy the most about being a Guide on The Track because there's so much to enjoy. I love sharing the culture, village life, the beauty of the jungle and WWII history with my trekkers. The greatest enjoyment, however, comes from sharing this amazing adventure in such a remote and unique part of the world with trekkers from various lifestyles and backgrounds: being a part of their personal journey (and helping them wherever I can) as well as seeing the trekkers bond together as a team on this journey of a lifetime!

Andrew Grasby

Guide Kokoda / Orangutans / No Roads To Health

It is a pleasure and a privilege to be a guide for No Roads and to walk along the Kokoda Track. I love the porters who make it all possible and can't wait to catch up with them and renew friendships.

Come, join us, and attack life - It's awesome. AL

Ryan O'Neal

Guide Kokoda

Ryan draws heavily on his own life experiences to add a unique element to his training in order to better prepare participants. His military background coupled with his world travels, including cycling and hiking through Cambodia and New Zealand lends itself perfectly to the necessary preparation for No Roads Expeditions.

Ryan's goal is for each and every participant to fully immerse themselves in the Kodak experience and beyond.